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you find all languages here

Autism gives you the dutch page, but with stories in all different language. Every story has his own language. If you look where coma leads you, you will find out you came to the german page and behind manisch is the english one hidden. By going on OEP you come to the original Dutch, German or English page and you can go to another language by using the links at the top of the page.



Through my work I came in contact with lots of various people, that all had their special problems and by that they mirrored me my problems. By that I could solve my problems and I now give courses and educations to help others to solve their problems.

Through my experiences and the work with patients in coma and autistic people, I know both conditions and the courses and educations I offer, are based on these experiences.

The autistic and the coma state are known by everybody. For example, the autistic person reacts on things that will happen in the future like having a headache because a visit of a friend will take place. The headache is gone right away after the friend cancelled the visit. This is a typical exampel of autistic behaviour. It can be changed by being aware of it.

Getting angry about the behaviour of someone without noticing, that one has the same behaviour oneself is a typical example of the coma state. Here too getting aware makes it possible to change the state and the behaviour, with also changing the idea of what one is worth and the self respect.

Try it, getting aware of what you do and if you have the feeling you could use some help you might find a COURSE that interests you. There is so much to tell, it is too much for one, two or even three websites.

This www.hpi-heiltherapie/OEP site contains Orders Ends Puzzles, written in short stories, ment to stimulate to heal oneself and by that, the Whole. is a platform for people in coma and has several items that will give their information here. A Network for the treatment of patient in coma is found here. gives information about the Course- and therapy center for h p i - therapy. Healing through Polarity and Integration.

It always has been my intention to make myself superfluous so the patient can go on his own feet his own way. I can give a hand for some time but than the patient will be able to go on his own and maybe he will need help again, but that, normally will be someone else and I will help others again.

Internet is a very good medium to be able to inform everybody about all the knowledge there is. You find a lot of information in the short stories and the other parts of this site to help you further on your way.

These histories are based on experiences made by me or told to me. All histories are written to give information about daily life, hoping life will be better for all those that can not move themselves.

This site does not have a counter on it. You are one of those that was guided to this site. You surely find something you are looking for on this site.

I have been writing so many short stories, that I have not been able to translate all of them. If you want to translate, just send me the translation and I put it in the net.

Because of the amount of work, I have just put all the different languages on all sites. So, you will have to find your languague between all the differtent stories. Some stories you find under all 3 items, some under 2 and some just under 1. That is part of the puzzle...

I wish you lots of reading pleasure and living pleasure.

Life is beautiful if you know how you want to love it!


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These short stories can be given on
so the divine love will flow
to the benefit of the Whole