I start at the end. I invite you to the little bits Christmas diner 2015!
How come? Well, it is Christmas Eve 2011 now and I am eating rice with sauerkraut and I realise I would rather have a 12 dishes diner that I would enjoy with others.
That made me take this initiative to organise a little bits Christmas diner for 2015.
As I always wanted to know how it is to have a feast that goes on for 3 days, I thought Christmas is a good time to experience that.
To me eating is connected to other people. As I have been writing already several times, for me I do not have to eat. Little bits of chocolate I do take. That is the physical food that gives my system extra energy.
If you want to joint this diner, you must pay for it. I will organise it and we will feast together. I can not tell you yet, where this diner will take place. It depends on how many of you want to join.
As I expect quite some people and will need time to organise it so you will have a very good time, you have to announce your joining before 15th of August 2015.
You are with it, if you pay in € 1000,- on my account: i-ban DE58 6808 0030 0653 1234 00, b-ic DRESDEFF680. Write with it your name, xmas 2015, the way I can get in contact with you and wheather you bring an instrument to play music during the CHRISTMAS DINER. I will be glad to meet you there.
What can you expect at this Christmas diner? I am not sure, it is still a long time before it will take place, but I am sure that chocolamousse will be the dessert.
I love chocolamousse and it will be made the old fashioned way. That is, chocolate is melted au bain marie, the egg-yolk will be put in than the port the butter and, at the end the eggsnow.
Another dessert will be tiramisu. I learned to eat it because it is one of my dearest friends specialties. It was always the perfect combination of everything that is in it.
The third dessert will be ice. I would like it to be omelette sibérienne but I do not know if that is possible. To make an omelette sibérienne needs an exellent cook. That much I know. The inside is cold, the outside is burned.
Like I seem cold at the inside because I do not have the emotions that others have. My emotions are getting less and less and I am happy about it. Emotions make it difficult to se what is real. The truth has only one state. It can not be changed by words or by emotions. Our thoughts might think they can change the truth but our knowing listening heart knows the real truth.
That is why children get confused if the parents say something but feel something else, the child does no longer know what is true. The words that he hears or the feeling he has.
As he is still learning what is going on in his life, he might get so confused that he no longer listens to his inner voice. And that is the start of a lot of trouble.
This child will do things that he does not want to do, because he thinks that the others want him to do so. If the others want him to do something he feels is not right for him to do, he will do it nevertheless, because he wants to serve the others.
By acting against his own feelings he gets feelings of guilt and these feelings make it even more difficult to hear his inner voice. This child will not be able to tell what it wants.
If you ask this child what desires it has he will tell you that he does not know or he will tell you what you think that he desires.
He reads your mind to be able to serve you. That is what he has been learning. That is the way he reacts on the confusion the others offered him. This confusion stays until the person is told that he does so.
By getting aware he can change his doing and he will refind his desires. He will be able to let the music of his heart sound and he will be able to tell you what your desires are.
And that will make that you get aware of your desires and you find out that what you thought the child that is an adult now, needed is exactly what you need.
And so the circle is round. We get aware of our needs and of the needs of the other. The patient in coma knows this and is waiting for the circle to round. With hpi THERAPY the circle is round if it is used.
But enough about therapy! We wanted to have a nice Christmas diner. The dessert is known now. That will be a mixture of ice, tiramisu and chocolamousse.
But that can not be the whole diner. We want MORE! Before the dessert we must have something that gives us energy for the dessert. Mmmm, what can that be?
Should it be sweet, or sour, saltish or something else? O, okay, it is the music! Dance lets dance. Lets DANCE!
We must move, we must have music and we must move. I can play the piano or I can play something on the violin or I play both. I will not be able to do that at the same time however, but I can first play the piano, than the violin or the other way around.
That does not seem important but it makes a big difference whether I play the piano or the violin. It is possible to play the first violin, it is much harder to play the first piano. So maybe I just play the violin. I think time has come that I no longer keep quiet but let everyone hear what music I can make.
Give me patients in coma and after 3 years they show you what music I made. Like the conductor of a choir. She can not think short time. She must think long time. She has to know what are the possibilities of her choir and she must know how to develop this choir so they will be able to sing everything after 3 years repetitions.
She can not repeat all the time the same music if she wants the choir to learn something and to be better after those 3 years of repetitions. And I must say, our conductor has a goal. Tomorrow we will sing Haydns Missa Brevis in F as says the music.
I sing alt but I can sing all the parts if I like. And I would like, but I will not be able to sing them all together at the same time. Time is an item to me. I am now here and now, but my here and now does not have the usual boarder.
My here and now goes into eternity and that is the reason, why I am planning this Christmas diner 2015 already. So before the dessert we do some moving on music, the best way to move with patients in coma. It makes that their mental body connects with the emotional and physical body again.
By doing special movements, the system will be able to move.
Before we dance we will have the choice of 3 different meals. One for the persons that do not want to eat dead animals. I have been one of them for a while. Today I passed the garden of a house, next to the old farm that has been rebuilt. It is not ready yet but it looks very beautiful already.
The builders have renewed what had to be renewed and used the old substances as much as possible in the original state. The original state of the patient in coma is another than the state he is in now. The state of coma is a state that is disconnected from the original one.
The original one has been the state where all the organs were connected and working together. These connections are no longer intact and therefore the organs are not working together.
That means that the intestines are working on their own, the same do the heart, the skin, the lungs and the swallowing. Nothing is the way it was before and the needs of this person are therefore totally different from the needs of a moving person.
These needs are taught at the hpi therapy COURSES.
But again, I did it again, I am so sorry, I wanted to invite you to a Christmas diner! For those that need meat because otherwise they have the idea that the meal is not complete, there will be a dish with meat and for those who only like fish, there will be fish.
Of course, you will be offered all three of them. I know that I am someone who likes combinations. Two is not enough for me. I NEED 3!
If the plate only shows me 2 different substances, I do not want to eat it. That is not enough! It does not fit my energy. I need more. I need at least 3 substances and sauce is not a substance to me!
The colour will also be important. If everything has the same colour, for example because it is all covered by the sauce, it does not make me hungry. I rather eat nothing. I need colour, so colour it will have.
Everyone is invited to take something with him that shows his colour and we will find a way to connect these colours.
So you can expect several head dishes. They all will have their own colour and one colour will be the main colour. I do not know yet what colour that will be, but being Dutch….
So the head dishes are know now too. But we can not start with them. We must have something as entrée. I like salmon so that will be it. As I know that there are persons that do not like salmon at all like my mother did not like dead fish (I do not believe she would have liked to eat living fish either), there will also be something else.
I assume that will be soup, that might have pleased my mother and if you do not like soup either, you will find mushrooms in several performances.
And if you do not like these either than you must have a look if you find something you like between the salads that will join the whole diner.
I always used to eat salad. Before, at and after the head dish. And as I am playing the first violin in the organisation of this little bits Christmas diner party, salad must be!
If you want to make some music too and want to take your instrument with you, please let me know in advance. Maybe we find a piece of music that we can play together.
At several family days we did that. Someone sent the music around, we studied the music and we played it at the family day. I love that. I love to make music with others. And it is very special to play a piece of music without anyone that is the conductor.
Everyone has to listen to the others. Be IN the music the way the Indonesians are in the traffic. By listening to the others your possibilities are much bigger than if you only listen to your own music. This is what TEAMWORK does if hpi THERAPY is used to treat the patient in coma. The result will show that teamwork has magic power.