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You seem like me. You do have quite a lot of masculine energy. I like that. You are not that much younger than I am. So now, you still are my age.

We had a short contact, some years ago. I was looking for my youth and you were an important person than.

I visited you, but you were gone. Not with the wind, but with your family. I visited your mother who was nicely surprised to see me.

You know me, I do not like to announce my coming. I do not like the feeling of having to keep promises. So I decided, quite young, not to promise.

And now, years are passed again and you come into my thoughts again. How are you doing? Who is your family? I did not meet them yet.

We lived our lives both on our own planet. This planet is one planet but it has a lot of different people living on it. I am sorry I did not make contact before. I was too busy trying to find out who I am.

I seem to know now, at least I seem to know. I am this person that is living on another planet. The planet where there is only one planet. All the different people are one. There is no difference.

I must day, I must get used to it. Feeling, what you are feeling. Your headache seems to be stable. Did you forget to open the door to the universe?

I forgot to connect to you and that is now changed. You are connected to me now and that makes, that you can use me to let your energy flow.

I loved your way of life and I hope you found your roots so you are free to live your love. My roots made me visit Malaysia and since I seem to be different. I am alone a lot but feel connected and that makes that I am writing this short story for you.

Your life goes on as mine goes on. We will meet again some where, some day. If not on this planet it will be on the one planet where we always met.

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