In one week it is Christmas 2011. I have been preparing a course for that weekend, but no one has shown any interest. It seems I am in another time again.
I never knew, that one can be in another time than this one, but at the h n c – kinesiology courses we tested that and I was 1 ½ year in advance. That would mean, if I still am, that I will give this Christmas course in june 2013.
As it is a Christmas course, I will give it next year 2012 or 2013 at Christmas, if there are people interested, of course.
This Christmas I found myself something to do, so I will not be alone. The first Christmas here I was alone and felt alone. I had been singing in church and afterwards all those lovely people wished me a nice Christmas, some with my family and I was going to my apartment and felt more alone than all those years before, where I was alone without being wished a nice Christmas.
I thought of all those people, that were together with family or friends and trying to have a nice Christmas. That was, what made me feel alone. Comparing myself with the others, knowing that lots of them did not have a nice Christmas because they were with their family or friends or because they get presents.
Christmas, the feast in winter, where the birth of Jesus is celebrated is for a lot of people the most horrible time of the year. That is, because they have bad memories or compare themselves with others, who get presents, are with their family or what so ever.
I discovered, that I make my Christmas nice or not. If I want to celebrate something, I can celebrate something and that will not be the birth of Jesus.
I am not connected to Jesus. To me, that has been a person and that person is no longer among us. They say, he died so he is in heaven, with all the other people that are dead.
Lots of people think they need Jesus to come in contact with God. I do not. I have always had and used the direct connection to God. I do not need a base-station to go to the top.
I just take all I need, and mostly much too much in this physical life, and I walk until I am on the top. If I pass at the base-station and meet Jesus there, I will great him, but I will not need his help to get to the top.
I have my own ears, eyes, hands, feet, feelings, that, if I listen to them, tell me where is the most easy way to get to the top. I am lazy and this laziness makes, that I always are looking to the easiest way to get somewhere or to do something.
That laziness made me discover h p i – therapy, healing through polarity and integration. Human being is not only the physical body that we see. No, the emotions have their print in the emotional body, the thoughts in the mental body and so on. At least 11 bodies human being has.
And all those 11 bodies must be connected. With each other, in themselves, with the earth and with the universe. One of the problems in the state of coma that patients in coma are in.
I was no patient in coma but a human being in coma. And that is why I can imagine a little bit, how the patients think. They want to move but, because the connections are not working, they are there but not working, they can not move.
Through energy work these connections can be activated and than the physical body can be remembered how to move.
That needs therapy and that therapy is taught in h p i – EDUCATIONS AND COURSES FOR THERAPISTS, NURSES AND CARERS OF PATIENTS IN COMA.