You bring me to my apartment. We do have some time left so we pass at a restaurant where we have a tea with cake.
I feel so rich! You are to me RICHNESS. Your love is so big that it will never end. I love to be in your presence because I use your love to activate mine.
Some people do not like me to use them as activator for my love. I do have a huge amount of love in me too and I was always afraid to show it.
I was afraid my love would kill them, as it is so huge. That is the reason, that I withheld it and why my work was so important to me.
The patients would not be killed by my love. They just take the amount they need and than they go again. And I could play with them.
I had to find out which way of approach was the healing one. I loved this PUZZLE. Unfortunately, that time is no longer. I have developed hpi-therapy and that makes, that patients are no longer coming to me.
Most patients that need this therapy are lying in bed and they can not tell anyone that they want me to treat them. They are totally dependent of the people that are responsible for them. And these people are mostly not flexible.
So these patients do not get what they NEED. hpi-therapy is developed through treatments of patients in coma. The regular medical treatments have proved that they are not having a satisfying result for these patients and nevertheless hpi-therapy is not tried.
The INSURANCE COMPANY tells me that they must have proof that the therapy works and that the result stays. They have the proof that the now used therapies do not have the result that is wanted, but these therapies are established.
I was in Wiesbaden, where NOAH, a boy of 15 years old now, is in coma since 2 years. I treated him every day in the week I was there. It was great to feel how his energy was moving. He must be moved and his energy must be stimulated to connect to the earth and the universe.
He has competent therapists but this they did not learn HPI-THERAPY yet. I give COURSES AND EDUCATIONS FOR THERAPISTS, NURSES AND CARERS to learn how to treat patients in coma to be able to move again.
If you have a lot of contacts is there the right one for me between them? That is: for the patients in coma? They want to get on their feet again but no one wants to CHANGE anything.
I offered colleagues here in Freiburg a snupperkurs and no one reacted. I offered them to be on the education that I offer, no one reacted.
Sorry, I do not want to complain, but I need help to be able to help all patients in coma, worldwide.
More and more people go in COMA and some of them so much, that they become patients in coma. They can not move. They feel and think but can not move and they need more than Bobath für erwachsene or Bobath for adults.
They need energy work! And movements! Only movements is not enough and only energy work is not enough. It is the combination, given with love that allows the patients to heal themselves.
My autistic part is writing short histories for my website, where I promote my courses. Until now, Christmas 2011, no one is interested. The money is the cause. A treatment takes 2 hours and there is no tariff for a physio, ergo or whatever treatment of 2 hours. And it must be given 3 times a week. For 3 years and than the patient will be able to move again. I can not proof it. I am sent away because I want to change something and this change makes, that the carers, therapists, nurses and the insurance company have to change their behaviour.
And than this short story comes and I am aware of a lot of patients in coma. They pass to let me know that I must hurry. Time is running out. More and more patients that will get old. There will not be enough places where they can be nursed! Will they be killed, because there is no more nursing place? They will not die if they do not get anything to eat! You know, that not eating does not kill. It makes one clear and capable of doing things that are not possible if one is always eating. So, if the medical world will get rid of patients in coma, because there are too many of them, they will have to kill them…
All those patients make me write this letter. I would never dare. I guess you do everything for other people and I do not want to take advantage of that. But it you have the right connections. Just let me know.