My journey in the far east has not been paid yet. That is, the travel agency paid the journey, but not me yet. The man of the travel agency paid the trip, trusting that I would pay him in time. He understood, that this trip is very important to me. Unfortunately I did not have the money, so I have to pay him afterwards.
My mother was born in this country and that is the reason, that a part of my roots, that I can not find here, are there. That is also the reason, that I hardly earn money at the time. The man from the travel agency feels, that my trip in the far east will give me the roots to do my job as seminar teacher because he has been in the far east already.
When he talks about his trips, he is very lively and lightful. It is, as if you are with him and see the station through his eyes or enjoying the boat trip with the Chinese New year Party. you join him in the bus to Bali or see the life in China. As I did not believe, I would be able to travel, I did not inform myself at all.
And here I am, standing in front of the mirror and imagine, I arrive in Kuala Lumpur. I have no idea, what I can expect there. My travel books are since 3 years in a container like all the rest of my things. Hard days one could think, well at least I now know what I want and how I can teach that what I know to the benefit of the world. My Harz IV time was very important because I had to be inventive to have as much money as possible to spend.
I got myself a second account so I do not have to pay any banc and account costs. How is that? Well, if I do not have enough income I have to pay costs. At the beginning it was sufficient if I went to the banc and just took off the money and put it in again. I did that 3 times a month and that was enough.
The banc changed its rules. Now this money can not be paid cash. So, another account at another banc where I can get off the money cash and put it in again cash if necessary. By having the money go from one banc to another 2 or 3 times, I do not have to pay costs.
I wonder, that, if one does not have much money and the banc has not much work by that, one has to pay costs, as the millionaire like Peter Vollmer, who changes the place of his money a lot so one whole banc computer is needed for it and some people of the banc will serve him, does not have to pay any costs.
Like this far east trip. If it is cancelled, about € 1900,- cancel costs have to be paid (2 tickets). I signed, that I would pay the whole trip, also if I would not travel and will do so as soon as I can. The man of the travel agency told me, that he earns € 30,- on one ticket that costs € 1250,-. I wonder where all the money goes?
He has talked to me at least 2 hours and looked which fly would be the best for us and he earns only € 30,-? We travellers have to think about it if we want to continue this way. We get us information and than look in internet and buy us the ticket some euros cheaper. For this cheaper ticket we have been searching in internet 2 hours, so also our time is not worth much. And we do not have personal contact in this time - like me, sitting here and writing this and I miss it - and if we sit behind the computer we can not enjoy the experience of f.ex. this man who was in the far east already.
He should write a book about his experiences, so we all could enjoy them and we should love to pay for it as thanks. If you would like to help me pay my far east ticket, feel free to pay something on my account:
Konto-Nr. 0653123400, BLZ. 68080030, Commerzbank Lörrach, BIC DRESDEFF680 IBAN DE5868080030 0653123400 please write on it: MALAYSIA.
And you know what? If the trip is cancelled, he gets some money back. He will then get my payment and what he gets back. Than he will be paid properly for his job. But he let me travel, so he is not a man whose first thought is money. He is someone who wants to serve the customer and I want to pay well for this service.