We have been at the same place at the same time. I enjoyed it and I was very happy I followed my inner voice after you followed yours.
We both went our way after this experience but our lives had changed. We were physically connected. We had made a direct contact and this contact will never be disconnected any more.
It might seem we do not have contact, but at a day like this where everybody tries to follow the idea that one has to have a good time with his family, we are together because of our memories.
We make new memories every day but the old once stay too. They do not disappear unless you really want to. The problem is that we can not forget parts of our memories. If we want to forget, we forget everything.
I experienced that. I did not remember anything, I thought, and I wanted to change that situation. I told that the universe with a very high voice, not only once but 3 times I cried out this wish and after that I was so glad!
I saw a thing and my memory sprouted out what I had experienced already in my life. My thoughts were continuously present letting me now what had happened in my life!
After 2 weeks I realised this and I welcomed this new state of being. Being able to remember that we cycled to school and did not stop for the red light and were than stopped by the policemen that were hidden behind the wall. They had seen that we did not stop so they told us we should follow the rules.
It did not really help. We did not follow the rules. We follow other rules. We follow the rules of love. The love that wants to flow. That is our rule. That is the rule we can follow. We see the meaning of this rule.
Rules are made to make life clear but these rules are misused for total different purposes. Like the rule that the patient must be able to handle himself the electric wheelchair to get one. He does not get one if the insurance company thinks that he can not handle it himself.
They just send a mechanical wheelchair with the explanation that the patient does not get the electric wheelchair, because he can not handle it. That the patient can not handle the mechanical wheelchair is very evident.
We should make rules that are not to be abused. The rules that can be abused should be changed into rules that can not be abused.
Social money is given to people that have a big heart and want to share this energy for free but the interpretation of the rules makes that they are not allowed to move from the place where they live. By this interpretation a lot of voluntary work is not done and the love can not flow.
By letting love flow it becomes bigger and this will be shown by the energy that is available on the earth.
The energy of the earth can only exist if the people that live on it support the movement of the earth. It looks as if the earth is a place of no movement, but they say, that the earth is moving in the universe. If so, people must move to allow the earth to move.
Like the patient in coma. He can not move himself. He needs others to move him to get energy to be able to move. Being moved gives moving energy and this energy is needed to be able to move.
To be able to move needs also the right connections to the surrounding and the place you are. Without these connections the plane you are in will leave the earth and you will be lost in universe. You will not be able to connect again because you are not the pilot.
The patient in coma is the pilot but he is not sitting behind the steering wheel. The trauma that caused his state of coma threw him out of the pilot chair and he is now sitting at the back, seeing what is going on but not capable to cry to the one that has taken over what he has to do so he, the pilot, can take his seat again.
hpi therapy knows this and finds out where the pilot sits now and what must be done so he can move to his seat of pilot in charge again. If you want to LEARN THIS THERAPY to treat all patients with it, you can CONTACT