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h p i - THERAPIE: O E P





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Am I lying about what is true? I do not really know. I do not know how to cheque it and I do not know how to prove it.

That is, give me 10 patients in coma that I can treat 3 times a week for 2 hours and I will prove to you that hpi-therapy makes, that these patients can come to their feet again.

hpi therapie is a mixture of old fashioned physiotherapy, Bobath, craniosacral therapy, kinesiology and energy work. I used all these therapies to heal the patient by polarisation and integration of his energy in combination with the earth and the universe.

Drunvalo Melchizedek has written about the merkaba and I followed a course to get to know more about it. It was a course full of geometric forms. I used to have a problem with geometric forms. I could count with numbers but geometric forms were incomprehensible to me.

I enjoyed the geometric forms part and discovered that I did understand what it was about. It was as logic as I think when I think about experiences or observations I had.

Human being can not be just the physical body that we see. There must be more than that. And so there is. Drunvalo Melchizedek writes about the energy system that the human being is. This energy system should be connected to the earth and to the universe to be able to function and these connections are broken by the trauma of the patient in coma.

These connections must be repaired before it will be possible for the patient to move again. That is the reason why Bobath and other therapies do not have the result they should have. The patient is not connected to his energy system and therefore he is not able to move.

We move in relation to our surrounding and this is not possible if our surrounding is not surrounding us. If we are a part of the surrounding, we will move with the surrounding which means no movement. If we are connected to the surrounding we can use this connection as a surrounding to move in.

Movements are made in something. We are moving in the room, a car, a plane. The moving part is moving because something else is moving in another speed. The plane has his speed and I move in this speed and to that the speed I am moving in.

The room I am moving in, seems to be not moving, but the earth is moving so, I am moving in the speed of the earth and to that the speed I am moving in.

The patient in coma needs help to get connected to the earth again. If he is connected to the earth again, he will be able to move by will which gives him the possibility to communicate with the people he is surrounded by.

This will be the first important step to make as the patient than can let know what he needs, if the right questions are asked. If one starts answering, one must ask until the answer is clear. If the answer is not clear, the question was not right.

The patient in coma that can move a part by will, will use this to answer questions because he knows that we are insecure about what he needs. By asking the right questions we can find out what he needs and healing will take place.

Asking the right questions can be learned in the hpi – EDUCATIONS AND COURSES FOR THERAPISTS, NURSES AND CARING PEOPLE.

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