How nice that you called me right away after you got home! I had not expected that. I just followed my intuition to call you, as a sign that you are in my attention.
You have been a great help to me as we first had met. You showed me that you saw what I needed and I am glad you gave me the time to accept it.
This time has been important because I have been in another time for years. I was not connected to the time of the clock. I was at least 3 years in advance.
This being in advance has become less and less and I seem almost to be in the time of the clock now. We have been testing it at the hnc COURSES in Aulendorf and I was still 1 ½ year in advance at that time.
No wonder that I do not find my place! Being in advance this place will be taken from someone else that comes there after me. I try to get in the time of the clock now by sleeping only 3 hours a night.
I feel good if I do so. It gives me a lot of energy. This energy I share with everybody that wants to share energy with me like my libanese friend that was here as you called.
He is such an angel! We met through my tramping. He drove me home that evening and today I followed that other intuition just to invite him to come and have a cup of tea with me.
I do not get many visitors. I am too much occupied with my short story writing. Too many texts want to be written and it takes quite some time to make the internet sites.
Well, it will be interesting this international page that I will make of it. All languages at all pages. I am an international person.
My friends are world citizens. They have the Canadian, Great Brittan, French, Dutch, Norwegen, Libanese, German, Malaysian, Indonesien and I do not know what other nationalities.
I like these world citizens. I do feel connected to them. I like to feel the love that flows when I think of them wherever they are on the globe.
Sometimes it feels like one or another gives me a kick to let me know that they are thinking of me. I do not react on such kicks. I feel them, but as I am in this physical world I think: “you can call me if you want to tell me something!”
Some people do that. Like my friend that lives in Paris. She is a guide of cycle tours and of the Tour Eiffel or the museums in Paris. She has lived abroad most of her life.
We met in Geneva where I started my foreign country trip, I sometimes think. Maybe that is the reason that I would like to live in Switzerland? I have good memories of that time.
Not many, I was in coma already at that time, but the unconscious memories are good ones. I fell lonely but at home nevertheless. I was not homesick, I never fell at home where I was living, because I was not in my body.
That is also the reason why I ate so much. I tried to get into my body. The result is known. I did not succeed. My world trip did what all the other experiences could not: I came into my body because I did not eat, I moved a lot through walking and because my love was accepted.
That made that I allowed myself to love. Just like that. Without any plan or wish of result. An now I let my love flow by writing. Not knowing what will happen with all that I write. I found out that I love to read it loud to others and the persons that listened to it said I should do that more.
So, if you want me to come to your place to read my stories, take CONTACT.