We are a good team and I love to work together with you. You have ideas that I would never have. Your imagination is much more diverse than mine.
You are my big hero. If I need you, you are there. You will not say no because you follow your heart and your heart says yes when I ask.
I feel honoured to be able to ask you. I do need a lot of time to ask you. I know you are the helpful person you are and I do not want to take advantage of you so I wait until I MUST do something otherwise I will get in big trouble.
My life is full of trouble and I finally found out that I need that to make CONTACT. I do not know another way yet to make contact.
Somewhere in me I know that a feast might be a way to get in contact with you but until now I did not find the right moment to organise this feast.
The one time I did you had something else to do. You seem to be on another star where there is another time than my time.
My time is not the earth time. Not yet. I try to get in the earth time so I am no longer in advance but it seems that the other people are not going as fast at the earth.
The patients in coma need help now and not in 15 years after the slow working investigation institutes have found out that, indeed, hpi-therapy is very successful for patients in coma.
And it is even the question if these institutes would publicate honesty the results they found out. In “am Anfang war das Licht”, a Suisse film you can see that the results of some investigations made about the state of not having to eat to be healthy and happy, are not published.
Why is that? Are these inverstigations payed by organisations that earn their money by selling food? Are these organisations afraid they will earn less when people start enjoying the state of not eating?
Than they can be sure that they will. That what you fear will happen!
That lesson is known now. Why do we keep our fear nevertheless?
My fear of not earning money is no longer there. I can live without. Others share their richness with me and I share mine with them.
A short story with a special message or a card or mail will be my sharing at this moment. They will have to search for the right story as so many persons come in my mind while writing. One story after another and in one story are several persons in my attention.
They made me who I am. They gave me the trust that makes that I no longer fear having no money. In a way it is a marvellous state.
Having no money means that you can not loose it. It seems I do not want to have money. I lost the money I had and did not notice it!
Fortunately this money was found by an honest person, he told it the man in the shop where I lost it and he recognised me as the person that had had that money and paid with it. So he told me that I can get my money back at the found objects office.
Because it is Christmas now, I will have to wait until after Christmas to fetch it. I can do without it otherwise I would have noticed that I lost it.
My writing is now my hobby and my work. I love to follow this energy that makes me write in those various languages. A german, a dutch, an english story, all different words, all different stories but one theme.
Love that wants to flow. Love that makes patients to move again. All patients need love to get healthy again. They need love from others and they need the possibility to let their love flow. Love can flow if we accept it when it is offered to us.
Love is offered in very many ways. It can be the stop of the guy that offers you a drive, it can be the cup of tea or the beer that someone drinks with you, it can be the smile that you get from a person you do not know but that you meet in the street, all these ways that love is expressed make it possible that love can flow.
Love must flow so peace can be. Not only in the hearts but also in the world we are living in and honesty makes this love beautiful. Honesty gives fear no chance. Light joins honesty and fear is a sign of no light. Honesty will enlighten your heart and gives you contact to your soul, the energy that you ARE.
If you need help to find out who you are, you might find a COURSE that helps you to find out.