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Today is a very special day. Tetes his birthday. He did not make it because his native language is one of the languages of Indonesia. He is as old as I am. I wonder what has become of him.

He was not as lucky as I was. The teacher did not like both of us so we had to do that exam with another teacher. And that teacher was at my side and told me so before I started the exam. Tetes was not that lucky.

He did not have the self-confidence that I had. I did not have much but he had even less. And that made that he did not pass the exam. As his Dutch was not sufficient to comprehend all those horrible tricky questions that people make to let students show how they fail to comprehend the language in which the questions are written he had to quit the study.

As a person he would be one of the best therapists for patients in coma because he was not depending on the language. He is a guy that listens to the heart that has no words and therefore understands everyone whatever native language he speaks.

We were from the same family. The non spoken people that do not need words to communicate. We were study mates without meeting out of the school and I was sorry he was no longer there. I went on on my trip trough the world and passed Norway and Germany.

Just now I visited Indonesia and might have a little bit an idea what it must be like to live in Holland if your heart is in Indonesia. My heart is everywhere where there are people that I love and that is everywhere.

I have tied myself to all patients in coma through those patients in coma and this special woman that told me I have to develop a new therapy to get her out of the coma she would go in. I am so sorry that it takes so long until the work is done. You are waiting and every day is another danger waiting because your nurses and therapists do not want to know about them.

I feel horrible if I think about what is going on in the small medical world where patients become patients in coma and than are put in the bed with a sonde in the stomach to survive themselves in stead of getting the therapy that they need.

Soon that will not be the case any longer as hpi-therapy is available now. All the therapists and nurses that learn this therapy will have the result they should want to have. The patient will be able to move again and will no longer have need for therapy.

This will not happen so fast. It takes 3 years at least to come this far if the therapy is given all day and night long. It is a therapy that will have a positive result if it is done by the whole team that takes care of the patient.

One nurse that puts the patient in a horrible stress causing position will diminish the work of the others. The reason why the whole team must be willing to treat the patient healing stimulating and the whole team must be willing to learn what is healing stimulating. This can be learned in hpi-EDUCATIONS.

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