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h p i - THERAPIE: O E P





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O how nice, you send me a SMS back and you are, as I thought you would be, at your mums. I hope, it will be a good Christmas for both of you.

You have been in my thoughts a lot in the last period. No idea why. I have not been asking me, I must confess. I just like it, to feel your energy.

I told you once. You looked at me, did you understand, what I meant?

I smile, when I remember this situation. You had not post phoned the meeting I came for. I did not mind, to visit you without any meeting. I feel so honoured to have met you. To be called “friend”.

I always thought I did not have any friends, but it seems, that I have been wrong. This year I did not get many cards for my birthday, but maybe all people think, I still live at the old address they have in their address book.

Sometimes the post deliverer is very awake and brings me letters with the address where I moved from for 3 years. My plan is to write everybody my new address. When I leave here and will have my old computer back.

My old computer has an E-Mail program with all those E-Mail addresses of my friends and I will be able to send one mail in one action.

I do not know, how to do that with the equipment that I have now. And therefore, I wait. I wait until I get my things back and can use them again to let everybody know where I am now.

I know I am not stable. I have been moving at least 33 times in my life. Four different countries I have been living in and I am longing for the next move again!

I met you here and nevertheless I am willing to leave this place. You have an important place in my heart but your way is another. And I can not stay here to do my job. The job I want to do because it gives me the living energy that I need.

Money is not my item. I do not want to think about it. I wish myself someone who does that for me. I want to think about how to get patients in coma on their feet again and not only that. I want to think about how they can move again.

Now they are put in bed and not taken out because there is no time or the patient is too large (I did not dare to take out my patient as I am not that strong) or because they think that the patient needs to rest.

I know that the patient must be moved to be able to move but it seems that the world is not moving. The world wants to move but the energy is staying.

People can tell me what bus to take to come to the place I want to go to and they also tell me that it is too far to walk there. I wonder why these people do not put one foot in front of the other but take the bus to go where they want to go to.

I will go on telling my opinion about life and how love will flow if they move! Staying at one place can kill people. That is what I think.

My opinion is not important but my work is important. The longer it takes before the world starts exploring what I are teaching the more money will be needed to nurse patients in coma.

Who is responsible? What connection should I have that I can do the work that the patients in coma want me to do? They want to get on their feet again and they want to be able to move. They need help to do so. I am willing to do my part and that is the reason that I am using my life to write these short stories to get in contact with all those persons that are capable of helping these patients in coma.

Money is needed to start hospitals that are hotels because the patients will move when they can move again. You are on the move too. Always exploring all different countries and people. That is one of our similarities.

I like the net that I feel in my heart. Kuala Lumpur, Holland, Germany, Norway, France, Suisse a.s.o. lots of countries where I left my energy that, now and then, I activate so you can feel it when you are there.

I wish you all the love you need so you will be able to do what you are good in and like to do! Take care! We will meet again, some day, some where…

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