coma treatment or movement
Huizen - St.


healing polarity integration - THERAPY


The bus

is not the car that is used to go on holiday. Two cars are taken as both man and wife need their own car. He has his hobbies and she has her work.

He is some years older so he has no paid job any longer and everybody that does not have a paid job is in his eyes someone that is not worth being respected.

The neighbour that is taking care of man and children of foreigners and friends or of those that do not have family or friends and need help, is to the neighbour just lazy.

To him, writing is not working and should be forbidden? He is from the sort of people that can not stand to be forbidden and forbid others.

He decides who is allowed to sit where and when. His privacy is to smoke everywhere, especially in front of the open window of the neighbour.

He moved to another floor, but did not take with him his smoking stuff. He leaves it in front of the open window of the neighbour.

What can be the reason of that?


Diese Geschichte ist geschrieben
damit die Liebe fließen kann
zum Wohl des Ganzen