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h p i - THERAPY: O E P




The energetic world

The first thing that is needed to built a house, is the thought, that one wants to built a house. This thought comes from the need to have a place to live.

Our needs form our future by the energy that we have to fulfil these needs or not to fulfil them. If our needs are not fulfilled, we can see them as being no longer a need, but the impulse to fulfil this need will stay to exist.

All needs that are not fulfilled, are experiences, that want to be made in the future. If a person has lots of needs that were not fulfilled, he can no longer fulfil his needs, but gets the feeling that his needs are too big to be fulfilled.

This person has always the feeling that something is missing and he will be convinced that he does not have enough, even if he has more than enough.

If the needs of a person are not fulfilled at once but before they get the mark no-longer-a-need, the person learns that fulfilling of needs takes time but will happen in time.

If the needs are fulfilled right away the person will not know the value of time and he will not learn to be patient. Patience is a quality of love that flows and is needed for the cooperation between people and the energetic world, where there is another time.

The time on earth is much slower than the time in the energetic world. The thoughts of people are much faster than the manifesting in the energetic world, so patience is needed until the needs are fulfilled.

In the energetic world the connections are slower than in the physical world if something new wants to be manifested. But if the person connects with the energetic world and follows the Devine time schedule, he will experience that his needs are fulfilled right in time.

The energetic world organises the optimal contacts to fulfil all needs of all concerned. All who are concerned must use their personal will to serve the Devine Will so the optimal fulfilling of all wishes can take place.

If one of all concerned does not follow the Devine Will, the energetic world must find another solution and this might take time. This time feels like waiting time and can be used to fulfil wishes that one can fulfil himself.

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to the benefit of the Whole