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h p i - THERAPY: O E P




Order in the family

You want to redecorate your house and you are looking for a new wallpaper with your friend. You find a very beautiful wallpaper with a red design and lots of circles, that all of you love, but one of your daughters. She gets aggressive of the thought, this wallpaper will be on the wall.

You decide, that you can not put your daughter in such a situation and you decide to put a white wallpaper with black and grey in stead of the red. It is time to do the job. Slowly the wall gets the new paper. The corner, that should get the red paper is made white with a black design and grey stripes. The swing of the red paper is broken through it.

Not only your daughter is now the cause of the change, but also the money as a new role should have been taken to make the last piece of the corner red too. I think it is a pity that not the whole corner is made red the way you showed me before it was done.

I thought about it once more and discovered, that the whole family does not get the wallpaper she wants just because one of the children does not want to have it. That is a sign, that the order in the family is not as it should be.

If the order in the family is right, love flows and the adult decide. The red wallpaper gives an impulse to get awake from coma situation and is needed. The red colour connects with the earth and the curly pattern brings movement in energy that is flowing too slow.

This not flowing energy must be moved to heal. You have healing power but it looks like you do not use this power because you know, that you will have to change your whole life if you do.

Love wants to flow and it will knock on your door again and again until finally you open it. You will find out, what fullness you are and you will use this richness with joy to the benefit of the Whole.

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so the divine love will flow
to the benefit of the Whole