I am sorry, I can not write this in your native language. So, I write it in English. That is a foreign language for both of us.
The language does not really matter. I know that. It is the energy behind the words. I have been speaking Dutch with dutch people, without being understood.
That is, why I stopped talking. I knew, had the experience that persons did not understand the words that I spoke.
So I became the silent person I was.
And now, I do not want to keep quiet any longer!!!
So I use the word, but not spoken, I write them down. And see to it, that anyone can read them! They are important for everybody, not only to you.
I met you as one of my patients. You were a very lovely guy. I liked you. You were one of the few man I liked. My life has changed as I have changed. I now meet lots of lovely guys that I like.
We met also private, but not much. Your wife I met more often, during sports. I have been doing some SPORTS in my life. One of them I would like to do and did 3 times until now, is shooting.
My father had a gun-rifle. We had a large garden and, very rarely unfortunately, the rifle came out of the closet and me too, we were allowed to shoot. I love shooting. I spent lots of money at the fair to be able to shoot.
Did you forget, what is your goal in life? Are you the man of the family that has the pants on or did you give these pants someone else and did they become too heavy to this person?
The man is the head of the family, the woman is the connection between the man and the children.
Everyone, man and woman have an inner man and an inner woman. If the physical man has no connection to his inner woman, he will have the pants on but he will not be able to have any feelings of RICHNESS that allows him to respect the woman he is with.
The inner woman of the man is the part that gives the man the feelings of love, richness, caring and giving the others what they need.
The other function of the inner woman is to put on the pants that is, to take the responsibility if no one else does so. For the man this should be the normal situation because he is a man.
The normal situation is that the man is responsible for the family and the woman is responsible for the contacts in the family.
Another aspect of the normal situation is the teamwork that man and woman have so the family functions in love and is secure for all members.
Everybody has an inner woman, an inner man and IS somebody. We can call this IS the personality. This personality is not a stable but flexible energy. It is a flexible energy that wants to be the part in charge. And it must be the part in charge because the inner woman and the inner man have no handling power. They are dependent of the personality, as this part is connected to the WILL and this will decides what the person does.
If you want to live your souls energy, you MUST use your will and let yourself be guided by the teamwork of the inner woman and the inner man. Your personality must TAKE the responsibility of his life and the WILL to serve the benefit of the Whole makes, that your life will be one huge adventure, full of light and love and that will increase your love, light and HAPPINESS.
You have the choice. No one can make this choice for you. You are responsible for your life and, through that, for the life of your beloved.