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nog niet vertaald....

The love you showed was mistaken. You were abused. Your trust you lost because of this experience. Your life was influenced totally by this experience.

You could not help it. You were just the loving self you are. The light you showed was your light, the love you are was seen and misunderstood.

You carry this experience in your heart, it makes you vulnerable and I have recognized this vulnerability. I did not know at that time, what it was. I only knew I loved you.

I love you just because it is you. I love your energy, I love all of you. Do not ask me why it is just like that.

I like to know why, but it seems that I do not want to know, why I love you. Maybe I love you because you do have the same energy that I have? That I feel that you are a soul mate?

My soul is a loving soul. If you ask me what makes me happy, I answer: to love! If I am able to love, I feel happy and I do not need anything else any more. If I feel, that my love is not accepted, I used to feel unaccepted.

That has changed now. I feel if my love is not accepted and I feel very rich, feeling, that you accept my love and answer it. It feels very good, but it makes me cry nevertheless. There is a pain somewhere.

Are you feeling alone? The way I used to feel alone? As long as I am living for my job, patients in coma, I do no longer feel alone, I love the kicks and pulling they do to get me to do what I do. They are my reason of existence at the moment.

I hope that one day there will be another reason of existence for me. It would be nice to share love and sorrow with someone, but it seems that that is not what life wants from me now.

I experience a lot of love and some sorrow because of my work with patients in coma and my surrender to this work. It makes me happy to be able to do something for people that can not handle themselves.

I have been in the same situation myself and I do not remember so many help. Since I am in Germany and started my education in the healing scene through seminars of INEH, I met people that helped me without expecting anything in return.

That is how I learned that the world is round. Scientists can tell me anything, I will not believe them until I experienced it myself. The thought that what I give you, will grow in you, you will give it to the person that you meet and that needs it than and will let it grow and he will give it further, it grows by every person that gets it and when it comes back to me, it will be gigantic.

That is how I experienced that the world is round. I met so very lovely people in Malaysia and Indonesia that I am happy that the world is round. You are travelling around already and you were in Germany as I was in Malaysia. That is why we did not meet.

Our hearts meet, now and than, you are travelling and I will be too. When the world is ready to move and let love flow and offer the patients in coma what they need: movement and energetic treatments to connect the energetic body to the earth and to the universe.

I would like to be on tour with you and inform the world about the possibilities of the patients in coma. They are a pool of love that wants to flow. They are not capable to move in trying to show the world how unmovable she is.

You are moving, travelling the world around to bring them what they want: love that flows. You are forgetting, what you need? You too need this love and not only from your customers. Me too, I love my work and I am aware of the fact, that I am not enjoying life now, the way it could be enjoyed.

By going for a walk, enjoying a film, concert or just a good diner. No, I am working, spending day and night to do this writing. This is a very special day. What is going on? This is the 13th short story that I am writing!

That walk, concert and diner, we will share. That I promise myself. I decided, I do want to have a good time too. You do take that time already for you, if I understand your website right but it seems that you do feel alone.

Your family does not support you as you are not capable of keeping contact because they do not want this contact. It remembers them of the things they have been doing to you. They can not forgive themselves. It is an old family history.

It needs family healing. If everybody is put on his place, the place, where he has to stand because of his birth all of them will be able to forgive themselves and love can flow and heal all the wounds.

If you need help to remake order in your family, come to a COURSE.

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