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The world tip


The first flight



The others that are all those people that I meet when I leave my house. Sometimes I do not have to leave the house. Than comes Anke from the Cancer-fight club and collects.

What does the Cancer-fight club do? What can human being give to fight cancer? Has the person a possibility to do something for himself? Has the person to do something or can he leave it to the Cancer-figh club?

Who knows why he gets cancer? Does the cancer want to say us something? What do Louise L. Hay and Detlefsen c.s. think of it? Is 'illness as way to healing' true? Is every illness a way to get aware?

I remember An, who died of cancer. All the girls in that family died young. That makes that one starts to reflect. Why had all those young women leave the earth that young? What is the reason? We still do not know.

We do a lot of research, how is that cell reacting on that stuff and how is that other cell reacting on the same stuff? Which cell likes that stuff? And than we expand the result. We conclude, that the stuff that is good for a special cell, must be good for all cells. We forget to look in what sort of environment the cell is living. Is it a love filled environment full of light, a shadow one where light and darkness take turns or is it half dark or is it an environment where the light looks dark?

Also this dark light has love in it. It is only another expression of love. One person gives an ov-chipkaart to support you on your trip. The other money for your ticket or for nasi and pisangs and the third one laughs to you full of love and mysteriously while you walk with your landlady who paid today’s journey, back to her place. These are all expressions of love and light. Also he who gives you a boom does that out of love. He was sent to wake you up. You are the one that decides what to do with it.

Everybody needs an environment with love. We decide how much love we are and how much love we accept from others. We can not accept more love than we can give otherwise we would explode through all the love we would accept. That is the reason that we have to love ourselves like it says in the bible: ‘love the other like your self’.

This means that you first must love your self to be able to love someone else. It is necessary that you love your self to be able to love someone else and accept the love from this person. If you are full of feelings of guilt and convictions of how you and others should behave to keep the world in harmony, you are not free to let your love flow. Feelings of guilt are adopted habits and it is difficult to get rid of them. It might be the last thing left that one has from his parents.

When they die and you do not make contact with them on the divine level, you do not have any thing left but the small physical things like a chair, a table, a cupboard or a portfolio with the name of the hotel where they once stayed. It is not our energy this hotel where the portfolio comes from.

It seems that it is not absolute pure coffee. Am I pure coffee? I wonder again and again. I am not so sure. Only when everything is going without difficulties, I know that I am pure coffee. (I do not drink coffee) It is the 2nd day I am sitting in the house of my relatives, after my adventure in Hoorn. I had a good time there. I know that I discovered something important there.

I have always wondered if the all known unpleasant sometimes horrible experiences like abuse on all levels have existed in my family. It seems they did. Proof, I do not have yet. Unpleasant experiences are a part of life, that I was often told when I said, I want to have a pleasant life. What is a pleasant life? At this moment, to me, it is writing, writing, writing. Some relatives mean I am a lazy pig. I am not a pig. I am a horse! I was born in 1954 so I am a horse. Not a fire horse that are the people born in 2026, 1966 or 1906, like aunt Bertha.

These people have extra energy. Like that colleague of mine with the same name of one of my relatives, that left for Sweden to work there as a physiotherapist and has sent me a card from Solestö or something like that, and wrote this card full. That card is in the container, with the rest of my things. I collect everything because I do not know what the worth of it is and therefore a card might be very worthy.

She sent me a card because to her I was worth it. It has been a long time since I sent any cards. It seems I have not been on a holiday for a very long time. If I travel to Holland that is no holiday because it is Holland and a weekend Giromagny is no holiday either because I visit a friend there. I met her because there was an advertisement in the paper: ‘castle from 1880 with view on the Alps and wood with old trees for sale’.

I did not have the money, I knew that, but I had to see the castle! I called and said in my honesty, that I did not have the money but wanted to see the castle. The landlady did not want me to come. It would cost her much too much time to show everybody who wanted to see the house around and I could imagine, so that was it.

I was happy, I called the landlady and she told me that she did not want me to come and that was enough for me. I had fulfilled my need to call. And I was very surprised that the landlady called me late, the same night. She offered me to show me the castle, if I would pick her op at the station in Freiburg and drive her to Giromagny. I did not have to reflect about it at all. Sure, I do that, I said. My Swiss friend told me I had to clean my car before I would pick up the landlady and so I did. I picked up the landlady in Freiburg. I was a little bit later but the train was even later. We liked each other right away.

She gave me some very nice smelling small roses from her garden as I left. These nice smelling roses make it easier for me to keep my heart open, I feel it has been opened by the meeting with this lovely woman and I enjoyed this feeling being able to love and getting aware, that this love is accepted! Without any conditions. Nothing had to be done. We could just let the love flow without any hidden motive.

This woman knows what it is to work with autistic people. She does what I do not do. She works with materials. That is and will always be the most important aspect of our life. Without manifesting in the physical body, you are not here. Your life is depending on how you live with your physical body in this environment. If I keep sitting behind my computer to write, some day I will not have any subjects left to write about.

Or I must write fiction and that is not my purpose. My brain is a technical brain. I wonder for example, how I put a rotating energy into a battery so I can load my notebook with it, or use a lamp or cook with this energy. That is my world.

I am an energetic person that plays with energy. But playing with sand, clay and colours, no that I rather lett to my friend in Giromagny. I would like to give courses with her for autists and parents, therapists and others who are involved. Would she like that too? Time will show. She is also ahead of time but maybe we are not in the same time yet. I am on this world trip now, maybe I am in the right time afterwards.

From here to there and back again. Changed from top until toe. Everything different. A total different culture waits for me, thanks to the travel agency man. His name remembers me of my friend but his name has CH and D. Switzerland and Germany, two important countries to me. I started my foreign-land-career in Switzerland and at the moment I live in Germany and ogle to Switzerland.

I love the mountains and I love the language. My German sometimes has a Swiss accent so people think I am Swiss in stead of Dutch. Yes, I am an autist and react on my future. I will be living in Switzerland. No idea how I do that, but it is written in my stars and I want to follow them as I feel well if I do so.

Everybody has stars that escort him. Some people are afraid of them. They are afraid of all the knowledge they have. The knowledge is given to us so we can live our lives to the benefit of the Whole. You too are connected to this knowledge and it is the purpose, that you use it for your life. By using it, you can let your love flow and by that, experience this love.

Through these experiences you get confidence and your light will get bigger through the love. You can never be too much light, but you can be too little. Than you do not feel well, you feel alone and separated from the world. If you get aware of this, you can go searching for the best method for you to let your love flow. There are lots of methods and you have to find the one that fits you!

You are worth it! And you have to do it yourself. No one else can do that for you. He can help you, show you a way, but you have to find your way yourself. I am on my way. I am on a world trip. I write almost everything down so I get convinced of it. That is my way. I give you the possibility to trust yourself, to know who can be trusted. The more you listen to that, the more you will be rewarded.

If you do nothing, you can not expect life to change. If you are happy with your life the way it is, you do not have to do anything. If you are unhappy, than you will have to do something, you have to look around you what is going on, how you are thinking, what you are feeling and where you do not fulfil your needs.

Do you allow yourself to be happy? Do you think it is impossible to be happy? Do you think your thoughts can not be true or do you know that what you know is true? Do you accept your own love and the love of your partner, friend, child…..? What are your secrets? What are your secret wishes? What are your weaknesses? Do you allow yourself to have them? Be honest to yourself. If not, you can not expect others to be honest to you. The others are mirroring you!

Find out what needs you have, no one else knows them. They might sense it a bit, but you will have to talk about them, make contact with others to tell them to see if they can help you to fulfil your needs.

That is so nice on this world trip. I did not take any addresses and telephone numbers on paper with me, just on my stick and notebook and this very special species does not have any energy if I want to look for a telephone number or address. So I must be inventive and enter a hospital, as I am a therapist, child of a doctor and a nurse, one could say I am hereditarily burdened and in the hospital I ask if they can find a telephone number for me. No, impossible, not from the first one I ask, not the second, and not the third either. The forth person I have in mind has a secret number, that I know, so we will not find that eighter and than I get aware, that I am not in the telephone book either!

So unconsciously I join this behaviour!!! Since more than two years I live in an apartment with telephone and, as I thought, I would only live here for some months, I did not bother to get my name and my number in the telephone book. You can find me in internet, several times, because all my old addresses are still in there too unfortunately. I will try to get the old ones out of it when I get back. Than my old pass will not be valuable any longer. The date of expire is 4th of October, the day after my arrival in Holland. I leave my old pass her in Holland and I will pick it up and go to the Dutch embassy in Bern. Than I will have been there 3 times. Everything is 3 times for me to be able to finish it.

‘Hilversum 3 bestaat niet meer’ sings Herman van Veen. Or was it Hilversum 4 or Hilversum 2? I have never been able to hear the texts of songs. I now know why. The connections between my mental and physical body and the connections between my emotional and physical body were so disturbed, that I turned on my emotional body if I heard music because that was the only way I could turn it on. The high pain border that I had was an expression of it.

Because the connection mental-physical body was also disturbed, I could only hear the music and I could not remember the words and their meaning. Some words might stay in my mind but never the whole song. I have been jealous on all those people that could sing with songs they heard. Before I started this journey, I went to a course to learn Chinese.

There I found out, that I could not say what the teacher was saying if I did not see the mouth that was speaking! I wondered why, the others could say right away what they heard. As we started to write the signs, I comprehended: I make the movement in my body and when I have it in my body I can make it!

The same system I had for the speaking. If I could see the mouth of the speaker, I could copy the movement and so I could say the word. If I did not see the mouth, I did not see the movement and I could not say the word! The connection from the ear to the speaking of the mouth went via the eyes, the seeing!

That also happens with the not-speaking autist. I experienced, that a not-speaking autist who could only with a lot of effort say 'no', repeated the whole sentence that I had said and that was to me an AHA-experience. Hé, he can say whole sentences, I thought. I did not understand what he was saying, but his mother who was there too told me, he had been repeating what I had said. I was so happy, that he could say whole sentences but I got the order not to talk in sentences as he had to learn to talk.

I did not understand the logic of it. I am used to talk in sentences and I always thought it is good for people, children that learn to talk to do so and here I am told the opposite. The therapy that uses this idea must be based on the wrong idea. It is not that the autist does not WANT to talk, he CAN NOT talk because one or more connections are disfunctioning! These connections must be repaired to be able to talk.

I have experienced this. I am very glad, that I had this experience. I can now read loud an emotional text, although I have tears in my voice and read with pauses. I do have to keep myself full concentrated on the text and therefore I do not get aware of what is happening with my listeners. This experience I also have.

I have always been collecting everything. If people had something to give away, they thought of me. Maybe it would serve me? I now reflect on what happens and I look for an explanation. One person expresses his emotions in anger, the other in falling in silence. Lots of people do not know how to react, they just keep quiet and do not react. One comes to me and feels what is happening, wants to save me for the emotions of the others. I feel that my reaction is the opening of my heart and I am very happy that I feel this lovely feeling. That is an improvement!

Yes, sure, my heart is also beating in my throat, but not that way, that I can no longer say anything. It was a nice fire-ordeal. I learned a lot of it. I am on a journey. A world trip. All people in coma are my escorts. They want to get up and show their love. And the autists let their love flow already. It seems a cold love, but that is because it is not emotional!

It is a knowing love, the love that is free of emotions and knows what is true. It just is. We all know this love, it gives without expecting anything in return. It is just there. You can take as much as you want because it is flowing. It is replenished all the time.

Love will flow and be shared because shared love is new life! New life is born if you allow yourself to let your love flow. By allowing the love that comes from others to touch you, the flowing of love is a fact. If the love someone sends out is not accepted, he will close his heart again and that will make that after a while he will not be able to feel love any longer. Than he will feel alone and unloved and he can get aware of it because he gets depressive.

It is also possible, that he chooses another reaction and every reaction has his own origin and solution. Feeling unloved can be caused because the love one has is not accepted from others and that makes, that he is not stimulated to let his love flow. It is also possible, that the person has experienced how was reacted on people that let their love flow and he does not want this reaction.

He will stop to let his love flow so he will not get this reaction. It is not an action of consciousness to let the love flow. It is a way of life which is fed by self love, self respect and the feeling of worth that one has about one self. If one of these is not optimal, life will show that. If someone thinks he is not worth anything, he will adjust his expectations to that. He will not do things he would like to do because he thinks he is not worth it and he prefers to do someone else a pleasure. If he is not thanked for it he is very irritated: “at least he could have thanked me” they say.

Gratitude is not depending on something, I experienced. That feeling comes and goes without any reason and I enjoy it when it is there. It disappears the way it came. Like the feeling of love. That also comes and goes without any reason. People can stimulate that I get this feeling but it can also come out of the blue. It is just there and I can enjoy it. Being radiant, blissful is another feeling that can just appear. It comes out of the blue. The first time I had it, I was standing at Oslo Lambertseter, I believe, at the station and I got this special feeling and KNEW this is the feeling of being radiant, blissful. It was just a little part of a second, short but intense. I enjoyed it and hoped I would be able to enjoy it again. That happened.

And now I am sitting here, I just packed my bags again. It seems I have less than before. Someone called this afternoon and did not speak on the answering machine. No number on the display. Secret number, the whole journey is full of secrets that want to see the light. I am working in the night. It is 1 o'clock again.

Time is important at this trip. It seems that I am paying too late, but through this story others get the opportunity to change their view. What is really important? What is it really about? My websites are not yet in the net. First they were not made right from me, now they are not in the net. Why? I wonder what will be. The advent ure is calling.

Why is standard Times New Roman at the computer? It remembers me of the typing machine that had this type of letters. I get aware, that I do not like it. Is that because of all the lines under and above the letters or has it to do with all the emotions that I used to write from my soul on the typing machine?

It must be the second thing. I, as not-speaking autist sat down at the typing machine if everything was growing above my head and I wrote down what I thought. That became depressive thoughts. Maybe they are in the container. This container (must be paid too…) is since almost 3 years waiting until I stop being a tramp.

And now I read in the paper, “nu is de jacht op de zwerfkat geopend” which means that the chase of the wandering cat is opened. I have the feeling they mean me. I am wandering around. On a world trip. And I got a notebook, that I call compu. To me it is a computer. Not a typing machine.

I can work for my website on it. I do not have time for it now. I have to write. You will have to be patient to be able to read it. I do have 3 websites already. is the site with the courses for hpi-therapy that I offer. It is important to me to share all what I know so all people in coma or autistic or both can get cantered and connected so they do not have to let these situations rule their life and they do no longer get speechless if they want to say something and they do no longer forget what they wanted to do or get depressive.

My European website www.hpi-heiltherapie,eu will be filled with texts. Especially for all those, that do not want these technical and negative reports any longer. It is my story, my life, my thinking, it are my experiences. Seen through my eyes, lived with my emotions and following my footsteps. You will not find perfection here. I tried that long enough but I am not capable. I am a little horse that does his best to be the light that it is but that costs time, through chaos order and through quarrel harmony.

The website was made as a network to exchange experiences for people in coma and their relatives and others. This page has his origin in the experiences that I had through the treatments of patients in coma and these experiences were so intense, that I am now, totally not prepared on this world trip. Tomorrow the plane will leave and I do not know if I can be with it. That is up to the travel agency. As I did not pay the bill, he is the one who can decide. I did not find anybody who could lend me the money so I am depending on the good-will of the travel agency. He has the trust that I am rich enough to pay.

It is like a coma patient. He can NOT decide anything himself. He is totally dependent of us, the going, speaking, deciding person. We often do not know what the other needs because we think that the other needs the same as we. Like at the treatments of the patient in coma that I had. I did not have much work to do so I was glad I was allowed to treat her.

I have been searching, what she needed and used a pendulum, oscillate or whatever such a thing is called, to find out. Yes I know, that is not a scientifically accepted method but as this patient could not speak, only tell "yes" by blinking with the eyes, I used this unscientific method to find out what was needed. I used everything I knew and was confirmed several times by this blinking of the eyes that I was doing the right thing.

I have been looking at the other side of the allopathic plate a lot. It started before I had finished my education as a physiotherapist. I was in Overasselt to follow the education of Haptonomie. I do not have any proof of it as I was not able to write a paper, some scientific writing about what you had learned. Well I had the experience, that it is possible to abuse someone energetically. I was so disconnected, that I first got aware that it had happened 2 weeks afterwards! Well I am not a scientific type so I did not make any paper and I did not get any paper that I did those courses. Well I do not need a paper. I have my experiences and I can share them with others and show them they are not alone. And I always knew: together we are strong!

Early in my life I knew that. I was very strong when one of my sisters came with me to do something. Than I had no fear to do anything, I dared everything. They were older than I am so they had more life experience and I could use that because I connected me to it. And I still do so. I connect with the other. That is only possible, it the other allows me to.

Once I treated a patient with hpi-therapy. The evening before, yes, you are surprised maybe, but it is really possible, so the evening before I tried to find out what I should do next day, as I was used to. Practical, that way it did not cost therapy time. I found out the evening before and did it next day. Time does not exist!

But this time I did not get any information. It was impossible to get whatever information about what the patient needed from me. I tried for half an hour and than stopped. Next morning I tried again, but nothing, no information at all. So I went to the patient with an empty piece of paper.

She asked me full of expectation what I was going to do with her today. I told her, that I did not know, that I had not got any information. She was looking at me in disbelieve and asked once more, but I did not have anything so I could not do anything. She had to tell me what I had to do. This happened twice and since then it is clear to me: I can not treat anyone against his will! That is a big relief to me because I do not like to go over the boarder of someone. I have been doing that enough in my unknowing. I now know that if I get information about a treatment, I have the permission of the person. His personality gives me, if not consciously unconsciously the permission. If the personality does not want me to treat him, I do not get any information!

The haptonomie taught me through experiences that I had at the education, that there is more under the sun that what I see, hear, smell or can feel with my hands. The most beautiful experience I had on the day before the last one. We were standing in two rows opposite to each other in the room and the order was: go to the middle of the room and meet someone there, sit down together and have a good time while we had our eyes covered with a blind so we could not see a thing.

There was a woman, that was a soul mate of me and I loved her very much. I had seen that she was standing quite near me in the opposite row. As we were allowed to go, I went to her in a straight line and we met, we sat down and had a very good time. Love was flowing that normally was behind bars, well locked away. But at that moment it flew and we both were aware of it and enjoyed it. I knew, that could only be HER and I loved our being together.

I was confirmed in my knowing it could only be her and enjoyed it. She waited as long as she could and was totally confused as she saw it was me.

We never talked about it. Ivisited her at the beginning of this century in Utrecht, where she gave an info about the courses she offers. My ex-partner had found her name and told me that so I came to Holland to meet this woman once again. I was too late as I had some difficulties to find the place where this info was given. Was I afraid to be rejected?

I was dressed in white, she was dressed in black. I entered while she had started already and did not recognise her. It had been over 24 years that we had met. She knew that she had met me before. She did not remember where, she thought it had been later. This time of haptonomie was, as far as I understood at that time, totally gone out of her remembrance. What had happened?

How is she doing now? As I came back in Germany I sent her a German book that I liked. Has she been reading it? You are right, we do not have any contact in this physical world, but we do in the heart. There is a place she has and she will not be able to get out. That connection is for eternity.

And that was the first station of my journey. I started the education haptonomie in the pregnancy and met a couple, whose child had a difficult birth. How are they doing now? What about the child that had such a difficult start? I met them and they are important for me as I think about them now. I wondered at that time, if I had done something wrong what made the birth of their child so complicated. I have a lot of feelings of guilt.

I seem to know, that everything goes the way it goes with a purpose, but nevertheless I have my feelings of guilt. I am going to Schiphol and I wonder if the flight to Indonesia was cancelled. I will pay him as soon as I have the money, but I still do not have it. I will pay him interest too, he has earned that. Tomorrow I know more.

And I am writing again. There is soo much that wants to be written. Today the weather is a little bit better that yesterday. The sun is shining and wind but no rain. Yesterday it was really stormy. Fits to my situation. The storm can blow away all insecurity. I need trust.

I was in Amsterdam once for an intro for intuitive massage. That was also a very special experience. It was the meaning to massage intuitive. I got a partner, who worked with Reiki As she treated me, I became cold, as cold as if I was driving with 100 km/h on the motorbike while it was 30° C below zero! It was ice from the inside. As the course leader asked her what she was doing, she said she was regulating my energy! Since then I do not want to have anything to do with Reiki. This story was in my memory, but I forgot it and in Freiburg im Breisgau I came in contact with Reiki again.

I was looking for a course, where I could develop my healing qualities. Reiki must have been somewhere in my system so I was curious and went to a Reiki-info evening in St. Georgen, Magnushaus. I was too early and the first, who came. The course leaders were having their meal. They were very overweight and that felt threatening to me. At the time we started, there were 10 people, 7 overweighed and 2 with a normal figure like me. I did not feel secure in this group with my 50 kg. I fell overpowered through all that weight.

At that evening we were told, that we had to put our hands in a very special way on the partner. That were ways that have been used for sentences and I felt, that they did not fit for me. My hands and the bodies of these people did not fit. My hands had to lie differently to fit to these bodies. That was not allowed so the conclusion was: no Reiki for me.

While I studied INEH I met people, who also had studied Reiki and they confirmed, that the energy that is used in INEH is another energy than the Reiki energy. INEH is my thing. I use this energy without thinking about it. They started to tell you how to connect to the energy but I did not understand that. So I just started to treat and it seams I am using the energy that I should.

Everyone likes my energy. Even if they send me away. That has to do with the fact that they think they are not worth this energy. The doctor that came to me with his clavicula that broke the second time was such a person. He ran as he sensed that something happened that he could not scientifically understand. It is a very sensitive man that does not allow himself to live this sensitivity.

I see that a lot, that people do not live their sensitivity. I also did that and now I love it to feel and get aware that I love. I feel that in my chest that starts to vibrate and I can inspire well, much deeper than normally. My head also tells me how I am doing. One spot says: well thought, the other: that idea is not right and the third: there is someone who feels separated! Every spot in my body that hurts has another message. Which one belongs to which spot I have to find out but first I write, write and write, knowing, that there are people that need this information.

Everybody wants to be awake and know why he does what he does and wants to live his love. The biggest criminal is looking for respect, being loved, people that accept their love. No one wants to hurt someone. If he does, he is not aware of it or he has the feeling he is not worth anything and wants others to have the same feeling. Self respect, self love and the feeling how much one is worth, that are qualities that want to be lived.

It took me a long time to be aware about this and I see it as one of my jobs to help everybody. My experiences are my experiences but I learned from aunt Bertha, the one born in 1906, that the experiences of others can influence your experiences. I love it to listen to the stories of my friend who has been working in Scotland, where she cooks for people that are on a walking trip or to listen to the stories of another friend that tells me what she is doing or how the kids tell about their adventure at the swimming pool. That makes my life as writer who is just sitting behind the computer to get all this on paper, colourful. Their experiences become my experiences.

To me the swimming pool is connected with that time, that I was the 100000th visitor. I believe it was in 1966, I was 11 years old because I had not had my birthday yet. I was at the swimming pool with a relative and we only had the permission for a short swim so we were in a hurry. And than we were not allowed to go to swim! I was the 100000th visitor and that had to come in the paper, with picture! That was the second time that I came in the paper but this time it would be with picture. We were not pleased that they did not allow us to go for a swim but had to wait for the photographer instead. They did not want us to have our hair wet!

It was no nice experience so I do not want to give it more energy now. The result was that the year after I hardly swam because the free season-ticket that I got right away as thanks for the picture (my relative did not get anything as thanks for the waiting) was no longer to be found the year after. Since that time, I do not like to swim.

But some more about INEH. I followed in Germany the education. I started with the basics and did the, at that time only in Germany existing, advanced courses. These advanced courses were very important to me because I learned a lot about the energetic system that human being is.

We are not only this physical system that everybody (?) sees. No, we are much more. We know that we have feelings but we do not want to think about them. We do not want to see everything that is true. We look double. You may think you know what is true but where do you get this wisdom? Is it scientific proved? And how do you know that it is true? Do you think what I write is not true? I write what I have experienced. If I cry while I read something loud, I cry!

That is because the tears come and I do not push them back. I let them flow. I can not play an act and I do not want to. At least, not where it concerns my life! I want to live my life in light, love and honesty. I have been lying enough as a child. I do not need that any longer. I found out, that it is better to tell the truth and sometimes in small parts as it otherwise is too painful. Me too, I experienced that. I opened my eyes s l o w l y and so did I with my heart.

In 1979 I told someone, that I had the feeling I had closed the door, turned the key and threw away the key and I could not find the key any more. I knew it, but I could not change it. That person invited me to dinner and I fell like a king. This person always had been special to me. He had something I missed with others. He talked with me as if I was an adult. I was not used to that. I had not been that long in The Hague, where I lived and I met him sometimes an aunt Bertha's.

I visited her a lot at the time I was alone and afterwards together with my partner. Aunt Bertha died 102 years old. I was not at her funeral. I just got this temporary job in Freiburg, where I had to treat the coma patients and Thursdays, the day of her funeral, I had to treat people of the working place for disabled. That could not be changed. I could have made myself free at Wednesday or Friday but not the Thursday so I was not at the funeral and did not meet the family that was there. To me it is always a feast to meet these nice relatives.

At the INEH intensive course I met the love of my life. I often think of this very special person. I had asked universe to send me something and I asked where I would get it. I was astonished as I got the answer and I am even more astonished that the anwer was true!

My pass came yesterday, another sign that I will travel. I sent a mail to my friend who accepted the invitation to come with me on this trip. He told me for 2 weeks he would not come as I told him I still had not paid the bill. My intuition says I will travel.

So I just enjoy that I got electricity here. Who knows how that will be in Kuala Lumpur or in Medan? Where will I land? I rely on all the souls that accompany me and that I will do the right thing. I also have researched the cranio sacral therapy at Liquid Light. They are now in Köln and Freiburg im Breisgau. That also gave me very important experiences.

Those aura-soma, that made me aggressive: I can close my eyes but I can not close my nose or my ears! The woman whose hernia was activated after we worked with the head was the proof to me that the mobility of the head is of highest importance. At the physiotherapy school we did not learn that. At the Bobath-adult courses I did not learn that either. Bobath were pioneers in their time. That is about 80 years ago.

And now I know that hpi-therapy it is THE method to heal neurological illnesses. Parkinson leaves and MS normalises. By allowing other movements the illness is not needed any longer. And still Bobath-therapy is the accepted therapy for patients with neurological diseases. Even thought the results are no longer as in the beginning. Time changes and people too. In this time of computer and esoteric, people need others things and therapy than for 60 years. By opening the heart and letting love flow the heart problem will vanish. The partner is warm so the heart patient is not freezing totally.

If there is no partner, someone else in the family will take this function. Out of love, we want to show our love and do everything for that. Even getting ill and dying like the mother that gets ill for the daughter if the daughter does not change her life after she got ill, the daughter that is depressive for her sister and mother that deny their own depression and do not want to show their fear and sorrow and the woman that gets those hot-periods because her partner can not accept her love because he is frozen and does not know how to let his love flow…. Just some of the various situations in which we react for each other.

We are not aware, but we are all connected. By travelling I meet a lot of different persons that have experiences by this meeting. These experiences will influence these people and that will influence all the people that they meet. And so will it arrive at the queen. Queen Beatrix, Queen Elizabeth, Dronning Sonja, Queen Margrethe, Queen Sofia, Dronning Silvia,…. I was told once, that there are only two people between you and the queen. I know that at least two persons I shook hands with shook hands with Queen Beatrix.

I wonder what it would be like to shake hands with the Queen. I would have liked to treat Prins Claus. I always liked him and had the feeling I could do something for him. I now know, what I should have done with him, but he is no longer here. That is my problem with the time. I have been experienced all my life to be too fast, too early. They always told me: your time will come if I had to stay at home with my younger sister and the elder sisters could go.

Do not understand this wrong, there is no rancune, it is just a fact. It made me who I am. And now I developed hpi-therapy that is for coma patients a good therapy to be able to move again and come to their feet and it seems no one is listening. No one wants me to change place and stand on the place where I belong. It seems I do not get any help to travel to Indonesia.

Or? Will I be able to travel? Should I be there in stead of here? Or are they afraid they might lose me? Afraid I will not come back? Oh is that it? Is that why it seems everyone tries to prevent that I travel? Who can tell me? Tomorrow is another day and we will know more!

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