Words can be mis understood. The miss that is called "Sir" feels at home. Finally people that do not call her "miss" so she feels like missing.
Lots of goods were missing during the time of home less ness, not having no place to live, make dinner or sleep, but feeling not at home as the neighbours seemed only interested in war and tried to win this war by making the landlord sent the miss away.
The mass where the music is sung at Christian Holidays was a method to forget and to find words to defend against the being sent away. Pictures made clear how the situation was and that made that the judge got another idea of the whole system.
He had not been told by the lawyer what had been going on. The layer had not been interested in any contact with the miss that was not missing, but staying because otherwise she would not get money to pay the rent or to buy some food.
That are the rules in Germany. The ministers and their secretaries get more than € 800 a mounth to pay their dinners and the social depending person gets max. € 380 to survive! He has to stay at home and can not travel around without permission to look for a job.
The minister does not get only € 800 a mounth, that is only for his dinner, the salary he gets is over € 8000 and he and his civil servants and their sevants, decide that the person that does not have any income because no one thinks that his work is worth a dime or a cent, will have enough if he gets € 380 as they do not know how fast shoes wear out when you do not have a car or can use the public transport.
They travel by plane and that too is paid by the gouvernment.