istent comes the same story over and over again. The answer on all the answers that were given in all the places that were visited or written about the treatment of patients in coma.
They say that they do what the h p i - method tells one should do, but that can not be true, else they would not come on the idea not to give the patient anything to eat nor would they use chemicals to influence the tension of the body.
The tension of the body of the patient in coma is the way it is so he can move. He has not the connection to earth that is needed to move normally. Lots of people do not have the necessary connection to earth to be and feel free.
The are afraid. Maybe they are only afraid for the boss or the partner, maybe they are afraid for all people or the papers or media or they are afraid that their secrets will come in the light.
Secrets that come into the light are no longer a secret and can not be used to be blackmailed. No blackmailing is used if the responible people decide that the patient has to be treated with the h p i - method as base and if they are capable of using it themselves.
If they are afraid to do something wrong, they can be sure the others do something wrong. The patient will be abused to earn money or to find out how the chemicals work as is also the case in the world of cancer.
One medicine can be patentet for 20 years, than another one must have been develloped and that means that one needs people that want to try it. And if the patient is living fine with his cancer because he is not moving more than the cancer allows him, he will not want any chemicals.
And he does not want to loose the goodwill of the new doctor either. So he accepts the "vitamine cure" that the new doctor offers him to renew cells. And after 6 days and feeling worse every day he is told by the assistent that it is a new cancer chemical he gets to find out how it works.
She did not dare telling him before. Afraid to loose her job.