coma treatment or movement
Religion -


h p i - THERAPIE


The visit

of the castle was not planned but the energy made that it was made and the fence was open. The red carpet was out but the visitor was not allowed in.

He had been there before and each time he had been knocking on the door, which is not possible physically at this castle. Too many guards around that see to it that the habitant will not get in contact with the spontaneous visitors.

No chance that the habitant of this castle will get notice that there is a visitor that would like to be invited to a cup of tea, a glass of water or just 4 minutes of talk. Just 4 minutes looking in each others eyes, seeing, who the other one is, seeing that he is not in coma and moving.

That is what the coma world needs. The coma world that is reigned by fear and envie after power. That is not the Queen or King that envies that. They rather would be able to live without the press that follows them to be able to show where they cry, are full of fear or sorrowful.

The press is not interested in royals that are happy? Black pages are made to suggest that someone is dead, knowing that life is movement and someone that can not move is seen as dead and not worth a pence.

The politicians that have the opinion that a patient in coma is not worth being helped to live, are not capable of feeling any longer. They just see their own salary?

The patient in coma would not stay in the physical state of coma if he would get the help he needs, but the aids that he needs are not given to him. The politicians think they must decide who gets what.

The catalog that is used to give patients aids says, that the patient in coma can not move and therefore he can not get an electrical wheelchair but must be given a mechanical wheelchair. And how has these people thought that this patient in coma should use a mechanical wheelchair?

In stead of saving a lot of money by giving every patient in coma right away when the diagnosis was made, an electrical wheelchair with standing possibility so the patient can be helped to come into movement again, money is spent to keep the patient in the physical state of coma by all the people that do not believe that the patient will come into movement again.

This believe that he will never move again makes, that he is not moved. He needs guided movements to be able to move again without help like the assistant leader and the leader must know that war is over and peace wants to be communicated.....?


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