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Health Care

Another patient in coma tells in the media after not having been able to speak or move for 12 years, that he has been aware of everything during the last 10 years of his state of coma. More and more of these stories come into publicity and it would be nice if that would help to change the idea that patient in coma = low conscience.

The Coma Science Group has been investigating the awareness of patients in coma and proved that all patients in coma have mental activity, but this knowledge has not everywhere been the impulse to change the handling of the patients in coma.

The intensive care that the patient in coma needs, is not the machines that take over functions or the nurse that registers every hour blood pressure and pulse, but it is physical help to move.

A personal assistant that helps the patient to move and during the day an electrical wheelchair with standing and driving possibility during standing, will help the patient to move without help.

It is like the little child that wants to stand but can not yet. If it is helped to come onto his feet and can hold itself in this upright position, the child is able to stand but if it is not helped to come to its feet, it will not be able to stand on its feet.

The patient in coma usually is not a child that has never been on its feet yet, but has not enough connections active to move normal. He is moving, that is known as the patient in coma does not get wounds as quickly as other people that do not move.

These little movements are not visibly but if one puts a hand under the feet, one can feel the movements that the patient makes without help. If the patient is helped to move in the speed that he can follow, he will be able to repair the connections that are needed to move without help.

It is like the person that has learned a foreign language. When he goes to the country where this language is spoken, he may not understand a word if he is spoken to in the normal speed of the language. He will react by crying: "Please, speak slowly, so I can understand" and he may ask the native speaker to repeat what he just said.

That is also what the patient in coma needs when he is moved. Being moved is not always just a physical act, but often movements are connected to former experiences and the remembrance of these experiences may be the reason not to want to make the movements or to love to make that movement or any possibility in between.

Older people often move less than in their youth and in general older people are less flexible than young people. That flexibility is not only the physical movements but also the emotional and mental experiences.

"He was moved by his grandchildren" seldom means that they made him go from his own place to the place where his grandchildren live, but that he got an emotional reaction because of his grandchildren.

Some people show how touched or moved they are, others just look and send away the person that touched them. Families that have a member that became patient in coma, react very different.

There are families that start to touch and play with the patient, take him out and make him move and are moved by the patient and other families are so afraid of this situation of non-movement that they stop moving.

They tell others what they have to do as they feel that, but they do not do it themselves. They adapt to the situation and unconsciously they may prefer this situation in stead of the former situation in which the patient was so full of movements and did so many things that they did not like.

The new situation that makes that they have to take care of the patient and decide what will happen with him, gives them the power to decide how he has to live. It may also make that they get possibilities that they have never before thought were possible.

The student that went abroad and became patient in coma over there, made it possible for his family to go over there too and study there. The therapist who's husband became patient in coma, hired 8 other therapists to treat her husband.

He did not get better so nr. 9 was consulted and had a different way of treatment. That included a visit of the intensive care station in the hospital where the patient was brought in because of pneumonia.

This visit was not arranged with the wife and she felt so angry about that that she did not want this therapist to treat her husband again, although she had understood that he wanted to be treated by this therapist.

The world of the patient in coma is non-moving. The patient in coma needs a movement to get rid of the pain he or she has because of this non-moving world he/she lives in and does not find another solution than show this world how non-moving it is.

Non-movement is like black and white, movements have colour and people that open up for these colours, come into a world full of movements. They do what their heart and soul offers them to do. That may mean that they move to another place or buy another car just before the old one breaks down.

Or that the car is having an accident and can not be used any longer and the owner has to change his non-moving (because always driving) physical world as he does not have enough money to buy a new car.

He will have to use other methods to move around and, by doing so, he will meet other people than before as he will no longer be sitting in his own car alone. By sharing, a lot of energy can be saved and used different.

That is the same in the medical world. Formerly diagnoses were made without any machines, since the technical possibilities made it possible to measure and diagnose with machines, a lot of diagnoses are made by machines.

The Coma Science Group has developed a machine to measure the mental activity of the patient in coma, but was that not possible before too? And does it have any sense to measure the mental activity if it is not the reason to change the treatment?

If you look a patient in coma into his eyes, you can see how awake he is. The patient that is no longer in his physical body, feels empty. One can feel that he is no more in his body. The body is empty and will die when time is there.

The patient in coma mostly looks out of his eyes as an interested person. He or she is wondering what you will do to help him on his feet and into movement. The patient in coma that can not open his eyes, must be moved to be able to open his eyes.

The patient that was bound with the hands to the bed could not react with opening the eyes after being told to do so, as she was a patient in coma. This diagnose means that the patient can not move visibly and one wonders, why bound his hands to the bed to avoid the patient to pull out the tubes that are put in his body?

The doctor had asked the son if he could give permission to take out the tubes as the mother had signed a codicil that she did not want to be kept alive by machines. The mother died one week after, but before, she opened her eyes after her arms were moved very slowly.

Taking out tubes is one of the best things that one can do for a patient in coma, but not giving this patient anything to eat or drink is killing. The emergency doctor tells that the swallow reflex is still active in the patient in coma which means that he will swallow food or drink that he is offered.

Swallowing is moving and offering a patient in coma to eat and to drink is giving the patient a possibility to move. It gives him moving energy. That is the energy that someone gets by moving, for example through sports after work or walking or having a good chat with someone.

Movements cost energy and give energy. They give more energy than they cost if they are not automatic. That is the reason that movements have to be changed to continue to get energy out of it.

If you want to help patients in coma to get an electrical wheelchair, you can make CONTACT.



De onbeweeglijkheid van patiënt in coma veranderen in beweging

Change the immobility of the patient in coma into movement

Ändere die Unbeweglichkeit des Patienten im Wachkoma in Bewegung

Change l'immobilité du patient comateux mouvant

Endre det ubevegelige livet av pasient i koma i bevegelse

Believe what you want to believe
research what you want to find out
and move with the patient in coma

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