

h p i - THERAPIE


The house


I need time to be able to tell the Germans what they have to change so they can live the life they want to live. At the time they are just trying to survive. The truth was too painful. The truth that this foreign guy that promised them a car and a house was lying. They found out that in stead of getting things, they lost their beloved. And now a foreign person says that if they change their way of loving, by giving the beloved no water and no food, their beloved will not die? They can not believe that. They do not dare to try as they know what happened in the War.

Lots of their beloved died because they did not have anything to eat and not only that also foreigners died of that. And they are the cause of that situation. They followed the ideas of this guy that promised them a car and a house. The house they needed but the car was not needed.

The promise was not kept and took the faith of all the Germans. A German can be faithful but as country fear is the energy that counts. The prime minister tries to think with love but she does not follow that way. She is afraid of the leaders of the other countries. Those leaders do not see the whole truth because they do not allow themselves to listen to their heart. They think that they must be tough to be a good leader and that is a failure. The best leader looks in his heart and finds there the best solution for the benefit of the Whole and this solution is always the same solution that the other leaders also have in mind.

The EU-health insurance law that is used to force the citizen to pay money for an insurance that he does not need. No escape possibility? Their will be a hole in the law and it will be found and used. Until then I will be as poor as the kerkrat that is not in the dictionary that I have.

I want to use my energy for healing and not for insurances that are based on fear. I insure my house but not my body. I can clean my body as much as I want by the behaviour I have and no one can do anything about that. Unless I go into coma and stop being self responsible. The person in coma is still responsible for everything he does or does not. Because he can move. The patient in coma is no langer capable to act self responsible. He needs help to do so. And this help includes hpi-therapy. And all those who know now that this therapy exists and do not give this knowing further, are guilty for every patient in coma that dies. So I must tell everybody. But I do not know the right way. I do not know who. Who do I have to tell? You know what. I go to bed. I quit with this writing. I do not like it any more.

I made myself being cut off of the world. I did not find a way to get connected because I found it too expensive and now, I am not connected, because the one that was my connection moved. I have other connections that help me to connect but I am still not connected directly. So somewhere there is still a very important connection in disorder. I will close my eyes and keep my ears open to find out if a good night sleep gives me some answers on questions that I do not know because these connections are still in disorder.

Questions are always the way to develop oneself and by developing oneself one can develop a therapy methode as the Bobath pair showed. I could not treat the patients in coma the way my collegue showed me. He told me, it did not have any result.

My intension and goal as a therapist is to see to it that I will not be needed any longer because the patient is doing well and I started to think about the state the patients in coma are in. They are people that look strong and with a physical body that is in a good state. All the connections between brain and muscles are in order, but not activated, it seems. The reason that they can not move.

By testing what was important to normalise first every patient wanted the movements of the skull normalised, next the functions of the intestines and than movements. These mobilisations are necessary because the patients are mostly lying in the bed, get nourishment that they do not need and they need to be moved to get moving energy.

Moving energy is needed to be able to move and movements are needed to remember moving. Most patients are not moved the way that is healing for them. Every patient has his own history of learning how to move and this history must be followed so he can remember.

The patient in coma remembers movements if they are made in the way he learned them. That is the reason that every patient needs other movements that must be found out by the therapist and can be found out by feeling the reaction of the patient on movements that are made.

The patient will make the movement himself if it is the movement that he now needs and this movement will be accompanied with the energy of joy. By repeating every movement 12 times on row the patient will be able to remember the movement. Movements must be made in 12 treatments to be able to be saved totally. The function of the movement must also be used in several movements to repair the broken connections. The function of broken connections can be repaired by stimulating the non used connections that are still available. Giving a non used connection a function will be the start of the healing process.

The healing process must be started when the patient is stable. He must than be treated as a person that needs movements. He can not move himself but needs help to be able to move. This help should be given 14 hours a day. The measuring of breath or heart is superfluous. If the patients breathes, he is alive. He must get the chance to breath, because breathing out makes it possible to connect the emotional body with the physical body and breathing in makes it possible to connect the mental body with the physical body. Yawning is a way of breathing out after having breathed in and breathing in is stimulated by movements that are asking emotional activity of someone. Music is a way of asking emotional activity and can be used for this. Music gives the possibility to open the heart and release old pain that blockades the possibility to move. The blockades that make it impossible for the patient in coma to move can be changed by mobilisation of the skull before movements are offered. The changes that are not visible to the surroundings of the patient can be measured through the tension that changed but it needs a very sensitive observer to measure them. Normalisation of the postural tension of the patient in coma will be stimulated by changing the posture all day long. Lying in the bed the postural tension is not stimulated and normalisation of the tension will not happen.

If the physical body is not used the way it was built for, the energy that is available will be needed to keep the physical body alive in stead of being able to use it to heal the whole system. The patient in coma needs help to be able to use his physical body the way it was built for. By giving him this help he will be able to gain the energy that he needs to heal the whole system. The patient in coma who is not able to move or to show his needs, shows that the therapy he gets is no therapy to him but only time filling to the therapist. Time filling does not have the healing result that is needed for the patient to be able to live in stead of surviving. Surviving can not be the goal of a therapy. The goal of a therapy has to be giving the person the best way of life possible. This means that also the patient that can not turn his head to the middle must be treated differently. The eyes do have an enormous influence on the capability of the movements of the head. Movements of the head increase if the eyes can move further. By mobilising the eyes of the patient that can not move his head, blockades can be taken away and the patient will notice that he can move his head better. This miracle is not a miracle but the result of connections of the eyes with the emotional body. The patient in coma must repair all sorts of connections and it might be important to treat the eyes so he can repair connections. All connections that are in disorder must be repaired before the physical body will be able to move again. To be able to move again the patient in coma has to change his system that is in survival modus into a system of a moving person again. This change can be noticed as at this moment the patient will be able to make a movement without any help. From this moment the therapy will change from a non-communicative therapy into a communicative therapy that has to be continued and use the communicative possibility to continue the healing process. Three months after the start of the communication the communication will be stable and stay if it is used daily.

This knowledge makes it clear that hpi-therapy can not do its work if the therapy is not given continiously during at least 3 months after the communicative movement appeared. If the therapy is cut off, the communicative possibility will disappear again and it will need about 4x longer than the time that no therapy was given to regain the communicative possibility.

If hpi-therapy is given 24 hours a day, the patient will need about 3 years to be able to move again. These 3 years the 24 hours of treatment will be full of movements with the patient in stead of paperwork and machines. Not needing any machines is also a saving of money that can be used to buy an electrical chair with standing possibility that will not be needed any longer when the patient is able to move again. The chair can than go to another patient in coma that needs it, which makes the costs of this chair for one patient much less than the costs seem. These chairs are made to be used much longer than only 3 years.

The patient in coma should be treated the way he needs to come on his feet again and be able to move without help. He should get the chance to show his love by being moved by people that want to be moved by the love that they sense whilst treating the patient in coma to see to it that he can be an ex-patient in coma, able to tell what can be done better in the treatment of patients in coma.


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