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coma treatment or movement





A feeling

about the state of coma is being incapable to help. This feeling is often there if children see what their parents need.

They would like to give their parents what they need but they can not. The child is not capable to help the parent.

The parent is capable to help the child as long as the child stays child. When the child has grown up, the parent can no longer help the child.

Unless the child refers to the childhood. The parents change by raising their children. The children learn from their parents and they show their solidarity to the family of the parents by a certain behaviour.

This behaviour is not always the behaviour that the parents have in their awareness for their children, but they can have expectations that they are not aware about that the child shows them.

If the parents expect the child to be stupid, the child has two choises. It can be stupid or it can proove that it not stupid and do its best at school and get the best notes possible.

But, as the child will try to fulfil the wishes of the parents, it will do stupid. That can be, that the child is not succesful at university, does not get the job that the parents had thought he would get or other misfortunes that are the result of the unaware actions that the child does to make sure that the negative expectations of the parents will come true.

The child that feels not accepted in the family will do everything to be accepted and that will make that he is not accepted. All feelings make that the person has a certain behaviour or the opposite of it.

Two children from the same family where a problem with alcohol exists, may react opposite. The one drinks like his parents, the other one does not touch any alcohol, but nevertheless he is not capable to earn money for his living.

As long as the parents are alive, the behaviour of the children will hardly change. After the parents died, the children will no longer feel guilty if they go their own way, unless they have not been able to forgive themselves.

Life is full of mistakes. Not listening to the own inner voice is normal, unfortunately, but it does not need to stay normal.

If one wants to come out of the state of coma one is in, one has to forgive oneself the mistakes that one made in his life, trying to follow the rules and trying to fulfil the non-spoken wishes of others.

The child that was told that it was not telling the truth although it was telling the truth, may have problems to recognise the truth and that will make that he makes mistakes.

He might not be able to ungo to do what he is told not to do, not capable to accept the word "not", so he hears in stead of "do not do": "do!".

This state will give the feeling that one never can do anything right and one acts to do the opposite of what is wanted. Every time one does what the other one told not to do, is a chance to get aware about the system not to be able to accept the "not" in an order and this state can be accompanied by disorder, shown in the place where one lives.

This disorder will disappear when the feeling of never doing what has to be done, has disappeared and that will be the case if the person got aware about this system that he is doing exactly what the other one does not want him to do. Than he will slowly change this system and be free to do what he wants to do.

Until that he was not aware about his needs and his wishes. He might have known, what he did not need or want, but he could not tell what his needs were. These needs will have changed and he will be able to tell what he needs to be able to live his life the way he wants to live it.

There is a choise of living on the street or in a castel and all in between. Every way has his own special difficulties and possibilities.

No way is the best, it are just other ways of life and the experience of a certain way of life may be necessary to do the work that one wants to do.

As long as one feels alive, one will not feel like changing his way of life and being afraid for changes may also be a reason not to change anything.

As long as only the own life is concerned, that is a choice that can be made and no one else is hurt, but if patients in coma are concerned, one has to change his own life if one wants to help the patient in coma to be able to move again.

Doing nothing will not help. Than the patient could die because nothing is changed. The therapy of a patient in coma must be changed if he does not come into movement. That is known after 3 monthes. Than the treatment must be changed if nothing was changed.


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