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h p i - THERAPIE: O E P





Do you like Sauerkraut? I love it and now I eat it with rice and makrel. Since I have been in Indonesia I am very secure with the rice. Having seen how much work it is to get some rice I do not want to spoil one grain of it.

Rice costs much more energy to get. Potatoes I love too but the energy to get potatoes is totally different. Rice has a very high energy, it needs attention all the time during the growing process. Potatoes you put in the ground and after some months you pull them out again and they have grown without you having done anything about it.

Potatoes are like our physical body. We do not have to think about it, it just is. We can do something about it but we do not have to do something about it. It functions without that we do something about it. After a while we get aware that our body has changed!

We have not been eating, nor been drinking and our body grows nevertheless. See the Swiss film “Am Anfang war das Licht”. The state of our physical body depends on our mental state. Our mental state depends on our emotional state.

That means that if we are no longer emotional our mental state determines our physical body and this is the state the patient in coma is in because the connection to the emotional body is broken.

The connection to the emotional body has broken by the accident that caused the coma state. By restoring it the physical body can function normal again if the person wants it to do so. He than can choose if he wants to eat or not.

I try to come in this state. I no longer want to be dependent of my emotions. We have seen what happens when you react out of your emotions. You do things that you do not want to do and you feel guilty about doing so and you do not know how to change that behaviour.

So now I eat for you. So you do not have to eat and can use all your energy to get aware of your feelings that tell you what is good for you. You are not the person that is used to get aware of his own needs.

You are a master in feeling what others need and your own needs you do not want to be aware of so you do not have to find out that you are missing something. Love is what you need and you get it a lot but you seem not to be able to accept it just for yourself.

You seem to have the idea that you are not worth that amount of love that is offered you. We are soul mates. I had my problems to accept the love from others but now I decided I do no longer want to keep my love from flowing and therefore I just let it flow and I love it to feel that you respond it.

I know we are from the same star although you are living it on a totally different physical level. There are so many various levels to live your love. Some of the levels are needed in the treatment of patients in coma and are taught in the EDUCATIONS for therapists and for nursing personal.

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