Coma science |
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h p i - THERAPY |
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The card |
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We met at the Rathaus in Münstertal. We wondered, where the other came from. I heard you talk and thought it sounded Dutch but than it sounded like Norwegian or Danish. Than you asked me if I were Dutch. I had said something in Dutch and you had heard it. We were glad we met. You are a very sensitive person that knows what is right and what should not be done and you follow this feeling. I told you that that is a normal state but most people have changed this state into a coma state so they do not have to do what they would do if they listened to their inner knowing. You tell me that your husband wanted to go to the Rathaus in Münstertal and you were having the drive to the right time. I also was just waiting until I had the drive to go to the Rauhaus in Münstertal and there we met! You tell me that you talk Fries and that you live in the neighbourhood of Harlingen and I tell you that my friend that had her birthday the day before, lives there. I did not sent her a card and ask you to put a card in her letter-box. You will not do so but you take the card and will put it in the Dutch letter-box. I forgot to write my new address on the card but I can send another card some day. In just got out to go to this old place at the Rotenbuck 6 in Münstertal, where I had to move from and arrived exactly at the same time as the men that were sent by the owner to see if the apartment is in a clean state. And it is. I have been cleaning one afternoon to see to it that it is clean. I can clean the house that I leave and do so every time again. To get the new house the way I want, takes me much more time. After we met I hiked to Freiburg im Breigau. I did not know why but I just followed my inner voice or, if you want to call it so, you could also say: my inner knowing. I love this inner knowing. I got a hike from Staufen to Freiburg from a woman that recognised me. She had given me a drive about 2 years ago too. I told her that I moved again and that I now needed a high bed. There is one room I do not use yet because the wall is not clean and therefore the apartment is a little bit little for me. And with a high bed I can use the space under it to put my cupboards. The woman told me she had one and it was taking space in the garage. I could have it if I wanted. It would give her space. And it would give me space too! That is the divine win-win situation. And the most interesting aspect of this divine situation was that the day after a friend who could take the bed to me, would come to her. She went to a Praktiker-shop to get some things for the farm and I took the advantage to buy some screws to be able to build a cupboard for the kitchen. My inner voice made me buy not only the big screws that I needed for the kitchen cupboard, but also small once. I did not understand why, but I just bought them, And today, after having slept on the high bed, I discovered that I needed those small screws to attach the bottom of the bed to the sides so it will stay on its place. The bottom of the bed is a little bit smaller than it should be so there was not much space where it touches the sides and after a good nights rest, the bottom felt out. Fortunately only after the night rest and stayed enough on its place to do no harm. So I hiked to Freiburg im Breisgau again today. There was one screw missing, so I had to get myself one and I needed something to attach this bottom to the bed so it stays on its place. And I was very lucky again! A woman from the place where I lived the first time that the woman that gave me the high bed gave me a ride, stopped and I could come with her to Freiburg im Breisgau. We talked about moving as she and her family will move too. We agreed that one can not pack already a long time in advance because the whole house will be standing full of boxes if you do so. That is like being a patient in coma. Everywhere are movements available but only if they are given the opportunity to be made they can be made by the patient. Coma therapy must have the goal to allow the patient to move. The treatment of coma patients has to be a 24 hours treatment without any pause. The patient in coma can not move if there are no possibilities to move. Lying in bed is a state in which movements hardly can be made and this state gives also a continuous pressure on the head which lowers the body tonus. The body tonus can be stimulated by a BABS-Jacket that is made to Body And Breath Stimulation. To stimulate the postural tonus the person must be in vertical position. This means sitting, standing and all forms in between. The stimulation of the postural tonus will activate the functions of the muscles and is therefore a necessary part of the coma treatment therapy. To be able to offer the patient in coma these various positions, an electric wheelchair with standing possibility is needed. This chair will not only give the nursing people the possibility to give the patient another position without much effort, it will also be a stimulation for the patient to see to it that he will be able to control this chair himself. Every electrical wheelchair can be installed the way that it can be controlled with very little movements. This will give the patient the security that he can decide himself where to go or in what position he wants to be. Without such a possibility the patient will stay totally dependent of the nursing people and this will not give him the possibility to come into movement again. To come into movement again the patient has to be moved! That must have priority and there must be help to that. A chair that he can control himself costs much less than the treatment of a non moving coma patient costs. The coma patient can not move and it is life important that this is understood. The patient is mentally and emotionally aware. This awareness is not the same as the “normal moving person” has, but it makes that the patient will stay in the coma state if he is not treated the way that allows him healing. The patient in coma has to be able to move to be able to move. If the movements that are made with the patient in coma are not connected to the earth, the patient will not be able to remake them as the state he is in is the cause of his inability to move. Through the life danger he froze and his tension was changed into a tension away from the earth so he would be able to run away as fast as possible and this state has not vanished after the life danger was over. His system still is in this survival modus and will stay in it as long as there are no changes in his energetic system. The energetic system has connections and movements and connections are broken by the accident that caused the coma state. The coma treatment must treat these connections so they will be able to move again and connect the various functions with each other. This is taught in hpi-educations for coma therapists and coma nurses.
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These short stories tell about daily life and coma |