Coma science |
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h p i - THERAPY |
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Coma therapy |
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It seems that no one really wants patients in coma to come on their feet again. They are treated as if they can not move and this coma treatment makes that they can not move. It is like people that can move. If they come in a situation that they can not move for example they are kidnapped and put in a small room maybe without being able to move at all, they will not be able to move when they come out of this situation unless they remember how to move. The condition of the moving person is depending on his ability to remember to move. If a person wants to move more than he used to move, he will move more and this will give him the possibility to remember. Remembering is the basic of our moving. We were born moving, unless we were taken out of the safe place that was our mothers lap. The movement of being born is very important for the rest of our life. I was born after my mother drank 1 litre of apple cider and after the blasé was cut. I was born on a Wednesday at 15.00 a.m. and there has been a time that I was very happy on Wednesday morning and at 15.00 a.m. I was mighty depressed. I recognised the system, but it took me very long to find out why this depression came. It appeared that I did not know how I was between 14.00 and 15.00 a.m. but as I heard that my mother had drunk this litre apple cider, I finally understood. It still happens that I do not know what I did on Wednesday afternoon between 14.00 and 15.00 a.m. but I now know that that is the result of the way I was born. The doctor wanted my mother not to feel the cut he would make so I would get out at daytime in stead of at night, the normal time to be born. At night the energies are much calmer than at daytime. Most people are asleep and this makes that all the thoughts they have do not disturb the newborn that still is connected to the divine energies and therefore very sensitive. Another result of my birth was my reaction on loud noises. I could not bear them and I ran from them, if I could. As I was about to start the education of physiotherapy we had to join the introduction week. This was a week full of events that I did not like at all. I never was a sociable person. I never liked parties that are full of people that drink alcoholic drinks and where the music is loud. I am a person that likes violin music and likes to dance. Unfortunately, I never found a partner to dance with so it took me very long to learn it a bit and I still miss it. Dancing is one of the healing activities for people that have been disconnected from their emotional body. The combination of moving on music gives the person the tools to reconnect the emotional and physical body. The emotional body is often disconnected because the pain was too big. The final party at the introduction week of the physiotherapy school was horrible to me. I had to come otherwise I would not be allowed to join the courses, so I went there. The music was very loud so I put my fingers in my ears and did not move at all. To me the whole situation was very frightening. I did not realise at that time why but I could not help it, I had to save myself for the loudness of the music. I love music but not if it is so loud that it hurts me. I discovered that the reason is, that after the doctor cut the blasé at my birth I heard a loud noise. The water was spouting out and this made a horrible noise and I knew that something was wrong. Although I was totally drunk, I realised that I had to do something otherwise I would die. My choice was clear. I wanted to live and to be able to live I had to get out of this place I was in! And this reaction accompanied me my whole life. Every loud noise made me get out! Loud noises to me are much louder to patients in coma! Patients in coma opened up every sense at the trauma. They froze their movements and opened up all the other senses to be able to do what was best as soon as the danger would be over. The danger is over but this survival modus did not change. The coma treatment must be aware of this aspect and find the way to change this survival modus. After a wedding party where I wanted to dance, I did not dance because the music before the dance was too loud to me. I did not want to run, I wanted to dance but I could not stay as the music was too loud to me. I stopped at the end of the street and waited until I understood why I ran again. This time I had the right connection to my remembrance and I found out that my running away was the result of my birth. I am glad that I finally discovered this because it made me aware of the fact that my birth is still making that I react the way I do. I still am not free to decide what to do. I never liked quarrel although I quarrelled with my brother and sisters. Now I do not want to take whatever situation that is not good for me just because I do not want to quarrel so I got angry with the neighbour that sits in front of my window to smoke his cigarettes. He and his wife want me not to complain about the smell of the smoke of his cigarettes. He already takes his chair and puts it 5 meters further on the balcony but this smoke comes into my place through the windows and the door if that is open. He does not smoke into the house and he does not want to put his chair on the balcony in front of his own room. Why is that? Why should I keep quite so he can smoke on our balcony and the smoke can come into my place? I have been smoking all my youth as my parents smoked and I do not want this smell in my place. The place must be ventilated so I can not keep the windows closed. I wonder why I must keep my mouth shut since I just learned to open it and tell what life is about. Life is not about leaving the other live his immovable life but see to it that he too gets into movement. That is what the landlord of the Rotenbuck 6 in Münstertal did. At first he tried it by disconnecting the electricity. He did not know that that gave exactly the contrary result of what he wanted. Without electricity I do not have the possibility that I have with it to get in touch with my inner knowing and his act to get me disconnected of the electricity made that I did not find another place to live in April 2012. It took me 3 weeks to get accustomed to the non electric situation and in the next, fourth week, I found another place to live. This place has electricity and a high bed so I sleep with the angels like patients in coma. Through the accident they are in the flying state, ready to fly away but still in their body. The accident was life dangerous and therefore the flying state is full of action. This action makes that the patient stays alive as long as no nursing mistakes are made. Nursing mistakes make that the patient comes into the hospital or that he is taken for operations that are not necessary like cutting Achilles tendons to be able to put the patient on his feet. This is thinking the other way around. Normally the person folds his feet after the ground and wanting to operate the feet of a patient in coma to fold his feet after the flat ground is a thinking that shows inability of healing. Cutting in a healthy body in stead of using all the technical helping aids that are available to put a patient in coma on his feet is a nursing mistake. If the patient in coma gets ballerina feet, one has to be aware of the fact that the intestines and the head have a very important influence on the form of the feet. The feet are a picture of the state of the physical body. The callosity on the feet tells where physical problems are and the reflexology has found out all the connected organs. This knowledge can be used to find disturbed connections. The feet must be used to give the connected organs the massage that they need to stay in optimal condition. If the patient in coma does not get the opportunity to stand on his feet and move on his feet, his inner organs are not stimulated to do their work as they should do. This is one of the reasons that the inner organs of patients in coma can not function normal. To change this, the patient must get the opportunity to get on his feet and to move. This moving must not be moving on his feet but it must be moving as if he is moving on his feet! This coma treatment will change the state of the patient in coma from a not being able to move state into a moving state in which it will be possible to be in movement again. This can be learned in hpi-educations for therapists and nurses of patients in coma.
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These short stories tell about daily life and coma |