I am sitting at the station of Düsseldorf and a young man is sitting beside me. He has an Apple Tablet and I wonder what the difference is between this tablet and the notebook that I have in my bag.
First of all the weight: the notebook is much heavier, the screen is bigger and the way of use is different. I need two hands to write my texts and I have to push down the letters properly. For the young man it is easier, he only touches the screen. With the tablet he makes more movements that have swing, I make movements that go up and down. The tablett is different from the notebook like men are all different.
I like to drive a car. I am moving! There are people, that do not have the feeling they are moving when they drive a car.
The feeling of driving a car is different for people even though it looks like they are doing exactly the same thing, in this case driving a car.
This is caused by the kind of movement. If the person is not connected normally in his merkaba - the energy system of human being - he will be aware of the moving of the car and enjoy it. If the person is connected to his merkaba normally, he will not be able to get aware of the movement of the car but has to accept this movement and that he has the feeling he is not influenced by this movement.
He can be bored and this can be shown in fatigue. If the person is connected normally to his merkaba but with connections between merkaba and surrounding that are disturbed, the person can not follow the speed of the car. This is the state of patients in coma.
The patient in coma often can not follow the fast movements of the wheel chair and is lost during these movements. It is like driving in a car without feeling in what direction the car is driving.
His energy system merkaba must be connected to the surroundings again what has to be done twice in every treatment. At the beginning to open the energy system merkaba so it can be changed and at the end to make the changes will be accepted and stored
These treatments can be learned at the hpi-COURSES
Contact: hpiheiltherapie@googlemail.com.
Jeton, the boy in the train, who tells me about couch surfing, also tells me that at school he learned that the energy in the black spots in the universe is so thick that it even attracts light.
I thought about it and was wondering what that meant. I discovered that there must be a magnetic zero point (MNP) in the earth. The gravity pulls us down, but not that much, that we can not move. If we go up the mountain, the power of the gravity gets lower so there must be a zero point over there too (UNP). If the gravity would get higher in the earth, we in the west would land in Australia and the other way around. This does not happen, so there must be a point of return and this point has a zero gravity and is called the magnetic zero point - MNP.
So, seen from the centre of the earth we have: MNP - magnetic zero point, earth shell, UNP - universe zero point. What about the field further away? In this picture, the gravity must diminish again, otherwise the earth would burst out!
A person that bursts out is like a can of dynamite. All the problems he has is the dynamite and the burst out can be caused by everything. Some people get such a shock, that they go into the freeze-reflex. This is the reaction that one has when he meets a bear in the wood. He will stand still, freeze, but opens all the other senses. He will hear, see and feel better than before as he must find out how to escape and when. This we call the death-reflex.
The not talking coma patient is still in this state and can not talk because his muscles are not triggered because of the freeze-state. This state can be normalised by movements. The patient must be put on his feet so the holding reflex is activated and other movements must be offered, so the patient can remember and use his mental body to make contact to his physical body. This may give the patient the possibility to come on his feet again.
Movements are not only physical, but also emotional. These can be using music, weather, food a.s.o. All these methods are explained in the hpi-COURSES.