Now is time to think about love. I have been here 3 nights and written a lot. Love has been at my side and I leave a lot of it here. I was insecure about being welcome here but I had a good time. They became themselves again, day after day.
I tried to be a good guest and spent some time with them. I was not too disturbing to my hosts. They continued their life, the way it should be.
We came to live together in harmony but peace was not really here. We can not talk together. Our language is too different. I feel like a man in a woman’s body and they are man in man and woman in woman body. They do not understand my being.
I do not understand their being. They are too different from me and my thinking. They feel different and I have no idea how. My feeling can not cope with their feeling. They have another system. It does not fit in my system and I do not fit in their system.
We are relatives with different systems. It is nice to be able to observe another system. They have their way, I mine and we meet now and then and realise, that we are on a different way, going to the same point. Love leads us.
We are moving, our love wants to flow so we can stay on our own feet and feel our love is accepted and we are worth it to live and be happy, together and on our own. We do not need someone to move us, we can move but we must allow ourselves to do so.
We are only partly in coma. If this part wakes up, our love will flow and we will be able to accept the love from our beloved. Healing, polarity, integration can make us get in contact to our feelings and our inner wisdom. We can use music in combination with movements: dance! or other combinations where the emotions and the physical body have to work together. This is taught in hpi-COURSES.