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The world trip





I am in Hoorn and meet José Beemsterboer from the Vereniging Oud Hoorn. This association has about 2000 members and does its best to keep Hoorn attractive and its history touchable. They can use some more members. After I met her, I see on a façade:

hier lag eerst Jenius noch taal-loos als een kind
wier wederga mens niet in zeven talen wind

not because I was awake, but because a woman read it loud to her husband. I heard it, because I at that moment, was reading a sign that the Vereniging Oud Hoorn put on the façade of the house next to it, in the Junius year 2011 about Adriaen de Jonghe. He was a scientist, humanist and medical doctor and he wrote in order of the Staten van Holland en West-Friesland the history of Holland: de Batavia. (is that not in Indonesia?) He died in 1575 in Arnemuiden en was buried in Middelburg.

Another sign says, that the text above was on the façade ot the house already in the 17th century and says something about his languages knowledge. Literal translated it says:

here was lying first Jenius still without language - as a child
whose again-being one does not find in seven languages wind

I have been thinking about the text and read:

hier lachte eens Julius, nog steeds zonder taal, afhankelijk als een kind
wiens evenbeeld de mens nimmer in zeven taler wint

here was one day laughing Julius, without language, dependent as a child
whose likeness one never can pay in seven taler

The autist that can not speak but laughs at you so your depression disappears and you see the sun shine again. It is not possible to pay this in money.

De autist, die niet spreken kan, maar je toelacht, waardoor je depressie verdreven wordt en je de zon weer ziet schijnen. Dit is niet in geld uit te drukken.

One day taler were the money that was used, lach was probably written lag, noch is now written nog.

If one takes a distance from what is written and you take some time to have the real meaning come to you, you will find it. Maybe the text has several meanings. I had to read the text several times to come to the meaning above. I concentrated on the feeling that this meaning gave me and noticed that my head was moving and that was a very nice feeling. I see that as an affirmation that what I think is right.

The Vereniging Oud Hoorn has done a very good thing here. Through their work they make it possible to people like me, who are looking for their roots, to find them. The street where I am now, is the Nieuwstraat. I knew that I would experience something new here. The big church is near the little house nr. 9, where De Oude Stoel (DOS) has his shop. It is a shop with curtains and furniture clothes.

On the big church I see a big sign with baby plus on it. A woman with a rollator tells me spontaneously that one can also live in the church. I have always wondered how it would be to live in a church and here it is possible! I have seen three churches already that no longer have the function of a church. Is this small town that godless or is there another reason that baby plus has this shop in the church?

Are all those babies that were born between nuns and fathers buried here? I would not come with this idea, if a friend of mine had not told me once that in Germany they found in the foundation of a convent a lot of baby remains. As a priest once told me: the celibacy has never been of this time. The human being is made to share the love that he feels, also physical. And if it has to be, the woman will get pregnant and than they both are pregnant because it would not have happened without him.

The time of pregnancy is a time of growing. Both persons go into a new period. They shared their energy and this new energy used that energy to manifest. This new energy does this out of love for life and is always loving. The way we treat this new human being decides, how this person will develop and if he will be a criminal or not.

Tom told me about a boy, who was adopted and uses dope now and steals money and the pin from everybody, as he said. He was angry on this 28 year old that he called by name. I had heard that name some weeks before and at that time I had the feeling that I should search for this young man. My intuition says that this young man needs HELP. He is from Indonesia. I am on my way to Indonesia. What else will happen?

I have a better look at the houses in the street where I am and where the (for me) autist-text is on de façade on number 9. The next number is 13, where is number 11? At my parents house nr. 11 was the number of the crazy!

And than I sit in the West-Fries Museum on a beautiful red bench. I feel like a king. They are redecorating …… and then they let me out. The door that I came in, did not want to let me out again. I closed it and I did not get it open again. Two men were hanging the glass door inside. It was difficult to get it on the right place. The door was totally transparent.

A son of the family in Geneva, where I was au-pair in my youth, ran through a door like that and that cut a nerve in his wrist. He has been to the physiotherapist a lot to get it fixed again. I am now sitting on the windy terrace of d'Oude Waegh and see the façade of the West-Fries Museum. I had entered it through the back-door and was let out through the front-door. Like the maid that was misused by the father and dismissed for it!

Two motors pass. The first one is taking a lesson, the second one is the teacher. Striking are the falling-braces on the first one. It shows little trust in the driving capacity of the students. I never fell with the motor of the driving-school. I did fall with my own motor. It was a Honda CB 400N, a very nice motor, with small windscreen and krauser cases. But a little bit high for me. I drove off from the footway, did not give enough gas and the motor stopped with the front-wheel on the street and the back-wheel still on the pavement and my short legs were dangling in the air so I fell to the side.

It needed some others to put the motor on his wheels again because I could not with my 50 kg. I can drive, move, but I can not use power. The sun is now shining above the West-Fries Museum. There are two lions on the façade and the shutters are painted yellow and blue. On the fence are the year 1729 and a rifle and a lance. A bell is hanging above the main entrance on number 1.

"Mir trifft den Schlag", would the Germans say when I read on the façade: ’honi soit qui mal y pense’ (an expression that I know from our parental home), above the two lions and de yellow and blue shutter. And at the top of the façade I see the Brandenburger Tor! I feel unstable on my feet. I once made a kite with that same tower on it! The fish that stay at the right side of the sentence make me think of the friend that I visited the first day of the journey. The horn at the left side makes me think of the horn that I once found in Switzerland on a walk in the neighbourhood of Visperteminen. I was there with a friend and we made some very beautiful walks there.

We found 33 different flowers in the meadow. You do not find that in Holland. Here is oneness the theme. Oneness in thinking. I can not do that. I am combining and remembering by seeing something. The monk with the cudgel who is standing under the fish, reminds me of the family day and the cudgel that I threw there in the middle. Everyone can do with it what they want. I will not use the cudgel as cudgel. I have done that in my youth. I fighted. I had to. I could not talk in emotional situations as I was a not-speaking autist than.

I saw that too, after the cudgel was thrown. Do I have to do everything alone? Do I have to type all these texts alone? It is a mass of work, or “heidens karwei”, also an expression that I know from our parental home. The bull that is at the left side under the horn reminds me of one of my relatives. We had an accident together because I was not aware of what I was doing and she has been seeing it and it had a big influence on her life. I try to support her where I can. This bull also makes me think of the cow-milk that this relative does not drink and the rest of those relatives neither. Only the man, he used to drink a liter milk just out of the bottle. There were no bags, they had them in Germany and in Den Haag and cardboard was not used yet. And what will I describe now, the left, the right, the left? He, that is the way we look, when we cross the street in Holland.

So I take the left first. That is the one-ness after the 3 from the right side. I always give 3 presents. That has been that way for years now. 5 young German, 4 boys and 1 girl sit down at the next table. I come out of a family with 1 boy and 4 girls. But there is more on the façade. In the middle of the whole house, I studied civil engineering in Dordrecht because they had no architecture at the technical school there and I was found capable to study something technical or physiotherapy and I did not want to touch people so I went to the HTS in Dordrecht, because my father got a job at the Raad van Arbeid and needed a pied-a-terre there where I could live, well in the middle of the house is a picture of a lion that has gold bars on one front-foot and his tail. And under one back-foot! The lion above has also on one front-foot and his tail a gold bar. 5 pieces of gold bars. Above two angels, one blond and one dark haired, no, both dark haired. The two angels hold a crown above the picture of the lions with the gold bars from which they also are a part. The crown that they hold is also above the sentence honi soit qui mal y pense.

The sentence is written around a coat of arms, with a small red lion at the right side and a gold lion at the left side. 2 golden lions under it at the right side… That must be enough. It is getting dark and I do not see it any longer. If you want to know more, you must go and have a look for yourself.

In the meantime 3 girls and 4 boys are sitting at the table next to me. I feel like a boy too. Is that the reason, that I “aus dem Rahmen falle”, as it is called in German. (fall out of the window, translated with the Dutch word raam, which means window) They told me that at Caritas where I was because of an € 1,- job. My answer was: “I hope so!”, because I wanted to work with autistic people, but they had not found any for me, so I was sent home again.

And in the afternoon a colleague called me, while I was sitting at the camping in Freiburg and she told me, that she was looking for someone for that temporary job that I had applied for. I could start right away, because the colleague was ill. Well not that afternoon, the next morning would do. And that was the start of my career with patients in coma and I developed h p I – therapy and offer educations for therapists and nurses of coma patients so these patients will be treated competent so they will be able to move again. For information: hpi-COURSES.

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