I stopped working as my compu told me that it was in vorbereitung zur ruhestand. It is still thinking. It did not want to change anything, so finally I accepted, took out the electric and went to bed. I got up at about 13.00 o’clock and wrote an e-mail to the man of the travel agency that he is in charge now. He is the one who makes me to travel to Indonesia or not.
I also wrote my friend who now lives in New York or so in answer to her mail to me. She gave me the good tip to read and reread everything several times before I put it on the extern site.
Today the weather was very stormy and wet. It was windy yesterday already but today much more. I have not been out of the door as I have been writing so much. I slept from about 9 until 13 o’clock. I then tried to send text but did not find the USB pool to put my USB-stick in.
I have been sending a mail to several people and also to Stephan to confirm, that our trip is still insecure but that my intu says that I am travelling so he can travel too. I wonder if he will go in the internet to find this mail as I do not have his telephone number with me. I wrote him to be at Schiphol airport at 10 Thursday if he wants to come. Another adventure. For both of us.
I assume it is going this way so we all learn to trust and do what has to be done. O, my chest gets a very interesting feeling as I write this. Seems I have to stay awake overnight again. The man from the travel agency wants to push the button tomorrow morning, eh today, it is after midnight again. Time goes fast.
My landlady showed me a very nice history from the Noordhollands Dagblad, Dagblad Waterland:
‘De koe die een ree wilde zijn’ is na ruim drie maanden vrijdagmorgen eindelijk opgepakt. Het zwervende bestaan van de wereldberoemde Duitse ‘Kuh Yvonne’ is daarmee ten einde.
Eén goed gericht schot met een verdovingsgeweer was voldoende. Maar Yvonne kan gerust zijn: ze mag met pensioen, in het Oostenrijkse Gut Aiderbichl in Deggendorf.
De vrijheidsdrang van de voor de slacht geredde melkkoe sprak de afgelopen maanden tot de verbeelding van heel Duitsland. Tienduizenden volgden via Facebook de berichten over de lotgevallen van de naar een Beiers bos gevluchte Yvonne. Een vergunning om Yvonne dood te schieten, werd onder druk van de publieke opinie ingetrokken.
De koe werd af en toe gesignaleerd, maar liet zich niet vangen. Haar kalfjes werden naar het bos gebracht, haar zus Waltraut, een os en als laatste redmiddel de tweejarige stier Friesi, haar zoon.
Yvonne bleef stoicijns tussen de bomen.
Donderdagavond echter had ze behoefte aan gezelschap. Aan de rand van een weide liet ze zich verleiden om binnen de omheining te komen, waar ook een aantal andere koeien waren. Gisterochtend (zondag) kreeg ze een verdoving, om haar naar het dierenpension, dat haar voor 550 euro had gekocht, te verhuizen. In de hoop dat ze niet weer de wijde wereld intrekt
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I was very surprised about this news. My third name is Yvonne, I live in Germany and I had heard nothing of this story. I am a tramp. Or was I a tramp? Is my time of tramping finished now? Do I have to be shot with a sedation substance to be able to take me to the pension to avoid that I will go into the wide world again?
So I stay awake, because I want to go into that wide world. To me it does not seem that I have already been in it. I did some travelling in the time I was between 18 and 22 years old, but that was no wide world. That was Poland and France.
I do have the feeling, that I get this old energy back. The energy that I just go somewhere, without any organising before departure. Just packing some things and than, off I go.
Tonight I heard at the television that the KNMG, the Dutch organisation of medical doctors has published a new document with proposals about helping to euthanasia or not.
That is a theme, I have not really been thinking about. To me it is clear: I will die normally. No doctor will be at my bed. Sorry, doctor, but I do not trust you. You can not help it. You were not at my birth but one of your colleagues and that is the reason, that I do not trust any doctor.
You want to know why?
Well as my father wished I would come at daytime, he ordered the gynaecological doctor and this man cut the bladder while I was almost coming. It hit my head and made a wound that was not to be seen as I came out.
You can imagine, how the water sprouted out of the bladder, that made a terrible noise and I got aware that something was wrong. I had to chose, stay and die or flight and live. I chose the second possibility and came out as fast as possible.
My right shoulder got stuck because there was not enough liquid and this resulted in pain in the neck. Normally I did not feel this pain, except with emotional problems. I never knew this until I ran from a party where I wanted to be. I wanted to enjoy the music and dance. I could not stay, the music was loud, I had to run. I than found out that this habit to flight had his origin in my birth and very slowly I could change it.
The pain I sometimes have under my ribs is a result from the way the assistant of the doctor hold me. I was a very sensitive baby because my mother had her glass of wine also during her pregnancy with me. I have been drunk all the time. Do not understand me wrong. I do not mind now. It made, that I do not drink alcohol in this life. It was so painful to get rid of it, I do not want that experience once more.
By coming out my nose was also hurt because too much water was already gone. The result is that it always has been difficult for me to breath. Now, after a lot of mobilisation that I do myself after hpi-THERAPY method I finally can breathe normally, but have to mobilise regularly still.
As usually at that time, I was hold at the left leg and got a tap on the po. This was done with so much speed, that my knee got hurt, as well as the connection between cervical spine and thoracal spine, which made the neck problems that I already got, bigger.
I seemed to be a healthy child, but my birth gave me some not seen trauma, that influenced my life so strong, that I became a non-speaking autist. This too was not noticed. I learned to speak, to write a.s.o., but I could not speak when I was emotional. I just met someone with the same problem and I am very glad about that because it is nice not being alone with this problem. We all seem normal people and usually we avoid coming in situations where this problem is triggered and usually we succeed in doing so, but it makes us not free. We must be alert all the time that nothing happens that makes us emotional, because that would make that we can not talk any more.
Non-speaking autists are treated as if they are stupid, is my experience. But I have the experience, that non-speaking autists are great healers. By treating them as if they are too stupid to be normal or extra intelligent, we miss all that information they can give us.
Non-speaking is also the patient in coma and they also are treated as if they are stupid. Even worse sometimes when they are treated as if they have no feelings or are not aware of what is going on. At www.hpi-heiltherapie.net you find more information about being in coma.
I have noticed that I have been living my life totally in coma, not remembering anything, not knowing what to do, not knowing what I need and trying to avoid contact with others. Through hpi-therapy I got my freedom back and I knew what I want to do with my life: I want to make the world know what it is to be in coma or autistic. So I developed hpi-therapy with which it is possible to treat people so they get out of the coma or the autistic state.
The most important issue is movement. The person must move or, if he can not move himself, if he is in coma, he must be moved. And not only twice a week half an hour. No, seven days a week at least 14 hours a day and treatment must be 24 hours a day.
Patints in coma that can not move themselves have to be moved in all possible ways. This means not only physical, but also emotional and mental. It is important to combine the three moving methods so the connections between them will be repaired. This can be done by doing a movement and singing what movement is done. Or movement on music and telling what you do. Or with something that smells or movement from the chair or staying chair the person is in. Or moving forward and backward. Combining movement with both arms, legs, arm and leg a.s.o. Changing surroundings, lots of different people, different activities, contact with the family, These people want peace in their family. All these activities can give the person energy and allows him to come at his feet again. He wants to live else he would die.
One does not need help to die, one needs help to live and these people do not get this help. They are treated as if they are very ill and put into the bed and not stimulated at all, usually.
They are not ill. Their only problem is that they can not move without help. And I know, that they come on their feet if they are treated properly f.ex. with hpi-therapy but until now no one is curious enough to explore this method. No, instead the people who came in contact with it only talk about the money that is not available. It seems that only money is important even when I say that it is not about money, but about a person I am talking.
Can you imagine having to lie in the bed all day and night long, without being able to move? Your nurse was not in a good mood today so you were put in the bed without the heart being with it. Your back hurts, your head falls off from pain but you, you can not do anything.
You must wait until the nurse comes again. Your bed is wet now, because you had to pi, but you can not ring to get the nurse to come and clean your bed. She was here just 5 minutes ago. Maybe you will have to wait 2 or 3 hours until she comes again to change your position.
That is daily situation that I experienced in the time I worked with coma patients. The nurses usually have no idea about the state the coma-patient is in.
Can you imagine how it is to meat a bear in the woods? What will you do? How do you react?
You will freeze so the bear thinks you are a tree. You will not move at all and you will put all your senses in high sensitive activation modus. And that is the state the person in coma is in.
All the senses are extra sensible but it is impossible to move. That is the main problem of the coma-state and this can be changed by moving, movements are necessary to heal the connections between physical body and mental body and between mental body and basischakra.
All patients in coma have some autonomic systems. These are: heart, throat, intestines, temperature and skin. These systems must be healthy; else the person will die in 12 weeks.
Movements are not only physical, but also emotional. These can be by using music, weather, food a.s.o. All these Methods are explained in the hpi-COURSES.